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A week later or some shit.


I made my way to my office, after a long day. But I just have some emails to answer and things to document. But when I walked in Drew was already there. "What are you doing here?" I closed the door behind me and sat down on my chair.

She shrugged and sat down on the chair on the other side of my desk. A sigh leaving her lips as she spoke up.

"I don't think you and billie should be together, she deserves someone better. Someone like me"

I huffed and leaned back into my chair. "You. Billie's childhood best friend, her girlfriend? Never gonna happen." I folded my arms with a smirk.

"And how do you know that?" She retuned a smirk and leaned back into her chair. "Have you seen Billie? She's whipped for me. If she walks in that door right now, she would sit right here on my lap, and be mad because I'm not giving her attention. She's probably already mad since I haven't seen her in 4 hours. That's how I know"

"Sure." Drew rolled her eyes. "She's whipped for me to" "oh really?" Drew's smirk turned into a fake smile. "Since we were in kindergarten Billie has been whipped for me, she's clingy, and also mad when I'm not giving her attention"

"When you were what? Five?"

"I'm just saying that Billie isn't gonna want to be with you when she finds out the truth" Drew looked down at her nails, a smirk again plastered on her lips. "And what do you think this truth is?"

"That you are training Billie up to become as powerful as you if not more powerful, so you can get everything you want"

I rolled my eyes, "if I wanted to do that I would have done that ages ago, and I don't need Billie to get everything I want, because I already have it"

"And what it that may I ask" Drew looked at me, her eyes looked like they were made of fire.

"Billie. Billie is everything I wanted."

"And it's gonna stay that way, I don't know what you think you know Drew. But I know that you don't know shit. So why don't you get your ass out of here before I put you with Travis"

"How do you know about Travis?"

"Because I actually know stuff"

"Oh shut up girl you don't know shit"

"I know you have one scar across your whole back after him."

She stayed silent, a sigh leaving her lips. "I am just waiting for Billie to realize that she can't be with you, a fucking mafia leader. She doesn't belong here, she's to pure. To innocent"

"Let me tell you something Drew. Billie is far, far away from innocent"


I missed Miley, and she has been working all day. It's so boring. So I stood up from the couch downstairs and took my ass up stairs and made my way to Miley's office.

Opening the door I saw Miley in her chair, she looked so angry, it was like smoke was coming out of her ears. In the chair above her was Drew, who also looked angry. Her face was bright red, or is she blushing?

Both of them looked at me, Miley's face calmed down when she saw me though. I closed the door, and sat myself on Miley's lap. Hoping they would continue, but they didn't.

They looked at each other. A smirk on Miley's face, Drew looked Beyond upset. "What's going on?" I took my arms around Miley's neck, leaning closer to her.

"Nothing to worry about love" Miley took one hand and stroke my hair. "Or do you have something to say Drew?" Drew shook her head standing up.

"I actually have to go" she mumbled and walked out. Miley smirked, her hand went to my chin, stroking it softly. "What was that about?"

"Don't worry, it was just work" I nodded my head in her hand. Closing my eyes, enjoying her touch. "What have you been up to?"

"I did nothing special, just a watched some tv and shit" She hummed, kissing my forehead. "If it was just work, why did both of you look so angry?"

I couldn't see her reaction, since my eyes were closed. Something I kinda regret. "She just had to do something she didn't want to" I tried to read Miley's thoughts to see if she was lying. But I couldn't, it was she was blocking me out.

"Do you want to sleep here or in the bedroom?" If I "sleep" here I can see if I can read them. "Here" I whispered and put my head on her chest.


My plan was fake sleeping and then maybe I could read her thoughts. But I failed. I fell asleep pretty quickly, how? I have no idea.

Opening my eyes I saw that I was in our bedroom. I didn't see Miley here though, she's probably in her office or something. I took my phone from the nightstand and saw that I had a message from her.

Hey love, I'll be out for a few hours I have something to take care of. I will probably be back before 3am but don't wait just go to sleep. There is Taco Bell in the fridge, and if something happens there is a gun under the bed. I love you Billie.

Why the fuck did she say Billie, and why is it making me feel some sort of way? But Taco Bell. That sounds nice.

Okey that's fine, just tell be about it later. I love you too<3

Sure, don't forget to eat, if you just woke up you've been sleeping for about 4 hours. Get some food and water love.

That was the plan, is the hoodie still here?

Yes love it is, check in the closet.

I got up and made my way to the closet. The hoodie I was asking for laid on the ground. There wasn't anything special about the hoodie, or well I would say there is.

This is my favorite hoodie of hers, and she has also fucked me in this hoodie countless of times. So yeah. It's a good hoodie.

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