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I woke up by someone slamming books at the table. I jointed up and saw Mrs Jones standing there. "Principal office NOW" Miley's arms loosened around me, I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked out. Not long after Miley came to.

I was still tired as fuck. I started walking out of the school building finding it useless walking to the principals office at the end of the day. "Are all the teachers here fucking assholes" Miley came beside me, I didn't even look at her. Nodding my head I opened the school doors and walked out.

As soon as I stepped out, Miley was standing in front of me, her hand tight around my throat. I sucked my breath finding it hard to breathe.

"When I fucking talk to you, you answer" I let out a shaky breath, "understood?" Her hand tightened, my head went back trying to breathe. "I-I understand" Her hand loosened and a smirk came on her lips.

"Good girl"

With that she was gone, I didn't see where she went, but she's gone. What the fuck just happened?

It's like she has control over me, and I don't like it. I started to walk to my car while I let my thoughts wonder. How did she do that? I'm not the person who's a bottom. And I mean it. I've been with many woman and I can't, physically can't imagine myself as a bottom to them. But to her.

As soon as I opened the car door I realized I didn't know shit about her. I only knew her name because of the teacher, she has to be around 19-20 something like that.

The car started and my drive home had begun, how can I let such a mysterious girl control me like I'm a fucking pet.

But at the same time, she's hot as hell. And by the way no. I don't only like her because of how she looks, or maybe I do? I don't know shit about her so how would I know?

The drive was only about 10 minutes so I was home in no time. Finneas has a music class or something so he's not home until 11 I think.

I walked in and the smell of food hit my nose, burritos to be exact. "Glad you're home Billie, the new neighbors are coming over at 6 so eat and be ready by then" mom smiled and gave me a plate of 3 burritos.

New neighbors, that can only mean one thing. It has to be her. "Who are the new neighbors" I asked and sat down to eat my burrito. "It's a father, one girl and one boy, the name was Miley, Travis and Mike I think"

I knew it.

"Okey" I mumbled with my mouth full of food. If she's coming here them I have to fucking clean my room. Probably take a shower to.



I ate my food, took a shower, cleaned my room, and did all the stuff I had to do. "BILLIE" "COMING" I yelled back, I took one last check in the mirror, approving the outfit I went downstairs to see her.

Standing in my doorway. Have I become a fucking simp? Well for her I don't mind. Yeppp I'm a simp.

"Damn Miley you didn't say a hot chick lived here" Travis said while biting his lip looking me up and down. "Oh shut up, she wouldn't date a fucking dork like you so stop being creepy" she smacked his head.

"Miley" her dad looked at her, she just rolled her eyes and walked inside. Her brother soon followed after, she sat down on the couch as her brother did the same.

A smirk on her lips came as I sat down beside her. "I like your outfit" she complemented with a smile. My cheeks his up, I mumbled a small thanks before my mom and her dad came.

"So we were planing on doing board games" her father smiled, my mom came in with monopoly in her hands. "You're gonna loose Eilish" she said with a smirk. "Oh bet" I smirked back.


"And thank you, I win" Miley smiled. "You cheated you fool" Travis said, the clock was 9:58 and all the snacks my mom put on the table was gone.

"I agree" I stuffed my mouth with takis and smiled at her. "Y'all just mad you lost" she put her hands behind her head, one leg over the other and leaned back into the seat.

"Oh shit is the clock this much, come on Travis" Mike clapped his hands and stood up. (A/n: Idk if only my dad dose this but-) "why not Miley?" He whined. "Do I have to remind you I have my own car here, I go home when I want" she smiled and winked at me.

A light blush came on my cheeks, I looked to the ground in embarrassment. While they said there goodbyes my mom walked them out. Leaving me and Miley alone.

"Why are you so shy tonight princess"

I shook my head trying to hide my blush. "I'm not what do you mean" she let out a giggle and stood up. "Show me your room" she took her hand out as a sign for me to take it.

Standing up I took her hand and showed her the way to my room. The red light were on in my room, just how I liked it.

"I like it" I hummed in response and sat down at my bed. Closing the door she did the same and put one arm around me. Why dose she have this affect on me?

"What do you wanna do?" She asked, you. "I don't know" I looked over at her green eyes, "why do you have to be all the way over there hmm" she hummed the last part before she lifted me to sit on her lap.

"That's better" I laid my head on her chest, her sent filled my nose, she smelled like lavender. "Tell me about yourself" I stroke my fingers down her arm that was wrapped around me.

"What do you wanna know?" She smiled, "everything I guess, you know so much about me even though I know nothing about you"

"Well my name is Miley, I'm 20 years old, I was originally supposed to move alone cuz I bought a house some streets away but then my dad and brother wanted to move as well. My mother died when I was about 16, never had much contact didn't get to me that much."

She took a breath before she continued. "I love to read, I love animals, and I'm good at everything" she smirked. I huffed at the last part, but the worse thing is is that she's probably right.

"Why do you even know so much about me"

"I can't tell you, at lest not yet" she stroke my hair. I felt safe in her touch but what does that mean? "What do you mean by that?" I closed my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"The subject is secret, no one knows about it, so why would I tell you, a girl I haven't known in more then a day" auch. Come on Billie, come up with something.

"I won't tell anyone" seriously Billie that's the dumbest thing you can say!

"I know you won't, but I don't think it's good for you to know." I let my fingers trail to her chest, playing with her necklace.

"I know we only met today but I feel safe with you, and I won't tell anyone, I promise mommy" okey no I'm not saying it because I like calling her that. Cuz I don't. I'm just hoping it will get something out of her.

"I know precious, I'll tell you when I feel like it" groaning softly I looked up to her. "What do I have to do for you to tell me?" I stopped playing with her necklace and just looked at her.

"Tell me about the gang you're in, and I'll tell you" my breath hitched in my mouth. How did she know? No one knows.

"What do I need to tell you" she smirked and took a piece of hair behind my ear. "Just tell me who the Boss is"

"His name is Jonathan Smith" she gave me a smile, "good girl" a light blush came on my cheeks, WHY DO I ALWAYS BLUSH.

"Now please tell me"

"I'll tell you but if you tell anyone this, you're fucking dead"

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