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-about 1 week later-

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU STILL DONT HAVE IT? AM I WORKING WITH FUCKING AMATEURS! YOU HAD ONE MISSION THIS WEEK! AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO IT!" I screamed at the top of my lounges. Hitting my desk with my palm, making my palm go red.

Enya just looked at the fucking ground, she looked like she hasn't slept in days. "Is this position to much for you? Can't you handle it?" I folded my arms and leaned back into my chair.

"I-I can handle it, i-it's just....just that"

"Cat got your tongue? You have one. One last chance before I set you in the basement." Putting my head in my palm, I heard a small 'okey' before she went out again.

No one in this fucking place can do anything right.

I put both of my hands on the table and rested my head there. My foot tapped eagerly on the floor, it's a so simple task, why can't she just do it?


"Just sign here and they'll be yours" I smiled and handed the darker woman a contract. She was about 5'8, dark skin with dark hair, and wore a black suit.

She started to sign the contract, filling through all the pages. As she was singing them a tiered Billie walked into the room.

She hasn't slept a lot so I just let her sleep in today. Billie had on my oversized hoodie with some shorts, over all just a tiered cutie.

I rolled my chair back so she could come and sit on my lap, which she gladly did. The woman on the opposite side of us handed me the contract back with a smile.

She then looked at Billie, "where are your manners little girl? Don't you know how to knock?" Billie rubbed her eyes and looked at the woman, then at me again.

"She doesn't have to knock"

"So you just let random people come in and out?" She fixed her glasses and ran her fingers through her hair. "No I don't, but since she's my girlfriend she can come in here without knocking and has other rules than the others" I smiled at her.

Billie laid her head against my chest, and played with my rings. "Oh, you know, I sent my girlfriend to a camp about how to treat your master. Worked great, she's never bratty and always dose as she's told. I could give you the name if you want to?"

"No thanks, that's not necessary"

The woman cleared her throat. "Are you sure?" I looked down at Billie, her eyes met mine. My finger stroked her cheek. "Do you think we need it princess?"

"No mommy"

I gave Billie a proud smile, I'm not sending her to one of those camps, all they do is brainwash people. And Billie is allowed to have her own opinions. She's a fucking human being.

"Your men will be at your house by this Saturday" I smiled. She smiled back and walked out looking shocked? Was it that shocking that I didn't want her to send Billie to that kind of therapy?

After she left I looked down at Billie again. A small smile on her lips, "did you get any sleep princess?" Her eyes were closed, and she still looked tired.

"I tired but it didn't work, but what was that about?"

"She bought some of our hostages about 25 I think, and the camp thing can you forget. You're never going to one of those." She pulled herself more into my lap, putting her feet over the armrest.

"She talked like I am a fucking baby, IM 19" Billie huffed, me being me I couldn't help but laugh. Billie yawned.

"Can I just sleep here?" Billie nuzzled her head in my neck. "Yeah of course" I kissed her forehead before I began to work again.

I felt her relax into me, I'm gonna protect you with all I got darling.

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