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"You know you can't tell people that you have these powers right?"

We were in one of Miley's many cars, and we are driving to taco bell. The soft music filled the background, softly coming out of the speakers.

It was around 10pm and it was already dark outside, the rain hit the car window. Making it more comfortable, I love the rain.

"I know" I hummed to the song that was playing on the radio, even though I have no idea on what song it is. "When did you know you had these powers?" I looked over at Miley.

One hand on my thigh, the other one on the wheel. She was leaning back into the car seat, tapping to the beat of the song. "I remember one time when I was 13, my grandmother said that when I turned 15 I would get these kind of powers and that all the women in my family had them."

"Then when my 15th birthday came, I was in pure shock. Because it worked I now had these powers. So that same day my dad sent me to a camp where I was trained and learned to control my powers"

"But why did you want me to have them?" A small smile on her lips appeared, "I don't know, just felt like it" she gently squeezed my thigh.

"Do you only want taco bell or do you wanna stop at target?" We stoped at a stop light and she looked over to me. "We could stop at target, but then you have to carry me" she rolled her eyes with a smile and drove again when the light turned green.

"I could just put you in the cart"

"That's mean" I huffed and rolled my eyes, she only giggled. I looked outside the window, it was raining pretty much. "The day we met" I started, I took a deep breath before talking again.

"Why did you come up to me, you could have went to anyone else. Why me?" The silence between us grew bigger, if we didn't have the radio the car would be completely silent.

"To be honest, I don't know. I was only at your school to get things out of Leah, but you just..."she trailed off. I looked over at her, she had a small smile on her lips.

"You were just so confident, you still are. But I just noticed you, and I couldn't stop thinking about you. You made me want to protect you, and I haven't felt that in a while"

"Who did you want to protect before me?"

I think she was debating if she was going to tell me or not. Her eyebrows crunched up, and a sigh leaving her lips.

"Her name was Rebecca, she had long brown hair to her butt, brown eyes, and at that moment I thought she was the love of my life."

She chuckled before continuing. "We met at a club some years ago, we started talking and eventually became more then friends. We didn't do anything sexual since she wasn't ready, which I accepted"

"So when the 'gang' needed me I had to move, she wanted to come with me so I let her. But when she arrived, Enya shot her. That's the reason I don't allow people in the building to have weapons"

"But I was wrong with her, she was and will never be the love of my life. I think just at the moment I needed someone to complete me. But after I lost her, I soon realized that what I needed was myself"

"And then I met you, and I'm 100% sure with no doubt that you Billie are the love of my life" a light blush came on my cheeks, I took her hand in mine and gave it a sweet kiss.

"Why didn't you kill Enya?"

"I think that I did like Enya more then Rebecca at that time. But Enya was Enya, but she crossed a line when she wanted to hurt you." Her eyes were glued to the road the whole time.

"Thank you for sharing with me" she snorted, and focused on the driving. "That sound so weird" she giggled, I rolled my eyes with a little smile.

We parked at Target, there were about 5 maybe 6 cars in the parking lot. Miley got out of the car first, since I still can't fucking walk.

She opened the door for me and gently took me out of the car and lifted me up. Our lips met in a quick kiss as she slammed the car door shut.

"My pretty girl" she mumbled against my lips and kissed them one more time. I smiled into the kiss, the rain was poring down on us, making both of us wet. Not in that way of course.

We broke apart and went inside, Miley took a cart and placed me inside of it. My wet hair dripped on my hoodie, I leaned into the uncomfortable cart as we started our target shopping.

"Something you want" Miley asked as we drove past the crafting section, "just snacks" she hummed and went into the electronic section.

"You need a new phone" she said as we looked at the PCs. "No I don't" "you have an iPhone 5 darling no one has that anymore. " blush came all over my cheeks.

She took out an iPhone 12 Pro Max, and handed it to me. "We can set it up when we get home" I hummed and played with the packaging.

"Do you want an iPad? An Pc? An Apple Watch?"

"Maybe an pc" she hummed and took out a 2 MacBook Pros, "I want one to" she smiled. We got out of the electronic section, and went to the snack section. "What do you want?"

"Red and blue takis, and some candy" she took five bags of blue takis and five bags of red takis. She then took some of my favorite candy.

"Let's check out and get some taco bell" she smiled and kissed the top of my head.

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