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I need to get these stupid thoughts out of my head for a while. And the only thing that I can think of that can work. Well that's sex. But Miley is in her office doing some shit.

But I'm gonna get it anyways lol.

I got up from the bed, and went to the closet. I need to piss her off. But not so she's mad at me. Just so she'll punish me.

I put on a red lingerie, should I put something over? Neh.

I looked in the mirror, my boobs looked even bigger with this on. And I didn't know that was possible, My ass looks so good god damn it. If she doesn't want me, she's probably blind.

I sighed, and walked over to the door. Is this really worth it? Yes. I twisted the door knob, hopefully she doesn't have anyone in her office. That would be awkward if she did.

I let my blond hair fall on my shoulders as I walked outside our room. There were someone outside of our room. One man licked his lips as he looked at me.

I shook my head and closed the door, walking to Miley's office. Some men whistled as I walked past them, but didn't touch me. I think that's mostly because they know I'm Miley's girlfriend and if they do something she'll probably kill them.

I stood outside the door, I slowly twisted the door knob, being careful not to make any sound. As I slowly opened the door, I saw the monster herself.

My mom.

Fucking shit.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO DECIDE" Miley screamed, stood up from her chair and hit her desk with the palm of her hand. "ITS MY FUCKING DAUGHTER" my mother screamed back. "OKEY? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?"


What the heck.

Miley's head snapped in my direction, she looked so angry. More angry then what I've seen her in a long. Long time.

My moms head snapped in my direction to, she gasped and took her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god" she mumbled.

Miley sighed and took of her hoodie, she walked over to me and took it over my head. She lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around her waist.

"When I get back you better still be here or I'll kill you as soon as I find you" she pointed a finger at my mom. She nodded her head, rolled her eyes and sat back down on the chair.

Miley walked out of the office, closing the door behind her. "Now what am I going to do to you" she whispered in my ear as we walked to our room.

I wrapped my legs more around her, same with my arms. "I'm sorry I didn't know you had a fight with my mom" I mumbled.

"Your lucky it was only your mom, I could have had some horny fucker. And you walked all the was from our room to the office so everyone could see you"

I took both of my hands behind my head and took the hood over my head. That's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done.

"Why did you and my mom fight?" Miley opened the door to our bedroom. She walked over to the bed and laid me down. "She doesn't think I'm good enough for you, and thinks that im using you for sex. When you literally shows up in this"

I felt both of her cold hands underneath the hoodie, "I'm surprised I haven't killed her yet" she whispered and kissed my neck. I hummed and tilted my head up to give her more access.

"C-can you do it?"

Miley sucked on a certain spot and my breath hitched. "You want me to do it?" She whispered in my ear, biting slightly on my earlobe. "Yes. And I want you to tell me what happened after she saw us fuck"

"After we got our clothes on she dragged me away, we started to argue. She took a knife and cut my shoulder, I believe the mark is still there. Then I punched her in the stomach, and in the face. She fell to the ground and said 'I'm Billie's mother, until she's 20 only I know what's good for her' I then kicked her in the leg, and started to walk away."

"Just as I did so, she got up, jumped on me so I fell to the ground and started to punch me in the face like a toddler. I turned us around so I was on top then I-"

"I took the same knife she used on me, and stabbed her in the leg. That's why she can't walk right, and then I left. And she has been up my ass since"

She went back into kissing my neck, her hands under my hoodie slowly made their way up. "T-then do it. Kill my mom"

"If that's what my princess wants"

Her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. "I'm gonna leave now, you can do everything you want expect touching yourself and leaving this room looking like a slut. Understood?"

"Yea mommy" she gave me a smile for approval and kissed my lips one more time. "I love you" Miley continued to give me kisses all over my face. "I love you too"

"And tell me how it goes"

"I can tell you now, your mom is going to be dead, and your cute little family will probably to be mad at me"

"Well yeah if you kill my mom then they will most likely be mad at you, but-"


"You could take them to"


"Because I don't want them in my life anymore and if we let them go they can tell the cops"

"I'll think about it"

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