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"I'm selling my apartment" I choked on my burrito, I looked over at Miley expecting a 'I'm joking' but it looks like she's serious about this. Taking my hand infront of my mouth so I don't spit over her car.

"You're what?"

"I'm selling my apartment, I don't think it's useful I'm done with the school here anyways, you can have it if you want tho" I leaned into the car seat. Wrapping up my burrito again.

"No it's fine, but where are you gonna live?" She took a deep breath, holding onto the steering wheel harder. "A lot has happened recently, so I'm going to live in the Mansion"

"I'm coming with you"

"Billie no" she's never called me Billie before, or she has when she's mad. But she's not often mad, not mad at me at lest. "Yeah but if you move in there then I'm probably never going to see you again. And I need you"

I took one of her hands and stroke my thumb on her hand. "Are you sure? Because if so then you're going to see more death and a side of me I'm not sure I want you to see" she kissed her teeth and squeezed my hand.

"And what would you say to your parents?"

"I can say you got me into a music school and that you're moving there and that I'm going with you. My parents love you anyways they'll think it's just fine. Please"

She thought about it for some time, looking at the road the whole time. "Fine, you can come" I smiled bright, I'm finally going to see this mansion.

"Do you think you could pack your bags tonight? I need to be there as soon as possible" I gave her hand a squeeze "if you drive to my house I can pack" she nodded her head and drove to my house.


All my bags were packed and loaded in her car, "mom I promise, I'll call if I need something" I gave her one last hug. "Just come visiting on your brakes" she wiped some tears and held me super tight.

"M-Mom I c-can't bre-eathe" her grip loosened, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "It's just that you've become so big and now your moving and-"

She cut her self up by crying, "oh mom" I hugged her again. "I'll be back before you know it" I stroke her back, she nodded into my shoulder.

"Mom I really have to go" we stopped hugging, "I love you Billie" she smiled as she dried her tears. "I love you to mom"

"Take good care of her" mom said to Miley, "don't worry, she's always safe with me" Miley smiled. "Bye mom and dad" "bye Billie"

After all goodbyes and hugs we were finally on the road. "How long until we get there?" Her hand stroke my thigh. "Princess we just started, we still have 10 more hours" she giggled.

"And you just wanted to move without me" I huffed, leaning into the seat. "Well now you're coming with me" I hummed in response and laid down by the window and closed my eyes drifting to sleep.


"Come on darling let's get some food" Opening my eyes I saw that we had stopped at Target, I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car.

Miley came right after me and locked the car. Locking our hands we went inside. The clock was probably around 11pm so there wasn't so many in the store.

I could only see a mother and her daughter, "something you want to eat?" We walked through the food section, "we can't really warm something so it has to be something cold" I looked through the food.

"How about we just get some snacks? And then we can eat something some healthy once we get there" I looked up at her, a smile on her lips "okey" I dragged her to the snack section.

We picked out different types of chips and some drinks. We paid and got in her car again.

As soon as I sat in I opened a bag of takis, she opened a bag of some other chips. "How long till we get there?" I said with my mouth full of takis. "7 hours tops"

"We've only driven for 3 hours??"

"You slept the whole time baby" she giggled and started the car, rolling my eyes with a smile I ate more takis.


We are about 6 hours into this drive, I've ate all the takis and chips. Also I've emptied all the bottles of water. "Babe I need to pee" I whined and closed my legs trying to hold it in. "Okey we can stop at this gas station"

We pulled up into a gas station, I ran out of the car and went inside the gas station to find the bathroom. I could hear Miley laugh behind me, I found the bathroom but there was someone inside.

So I stood outside, almost pissing myself. Miley came behind me and wrapped her arms around me, and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"This person is taking forever" I whispered and through my head back. She giggled and hugged me tighter.

A boy with a sloppy smirk on his face walked out, this man looked like he was going to kill someone or rape someone. I went inside dragging Miley with me.

"Why did you drag me in here?" She said as I locked the door, "that man was scary and you expect me to be here by myself when he can get in by the window over there and rape me? No thanks" she looked over at the small window.

"If you say so, just do your thing" She leaned back into the door, I pulled my pants down and did my business on the toilet, pulled my pants back on and washed my hands.

Before she could go I put my arms around her neck, she put hers around my waist and pulled me closer. I gave her a kiss, but when I pulled back she pulled me back in.

Her tongue danced with mine, we kissed for some time before she pulled away. She was about to open the door before I got on my knees and started to pull down her pants.

I started my work on her cock through her boxers, watching it grow. I continued stroking it until it was fully hard before I pulled down her boxers.

It leaked precum out of the tip, her veins almost exploding. I looked up to her to see a smirk on her face, she grabbed a chunk of my hair into a ponytail and lined my mouth up with her dick.

"Open" I did as told, pushing me forward I took her dick in my mouth. I sucked hard, bobbing my head on her cock.

"Just like that" both of her hands went to my hair, pushing her been more inside my mouth. My eyes started to water, and I started to gag a little.

A low moan escaped her lips, I hollowed my cheeks and looked up at her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her mouth hung open.

My right hand went to play with her balls, giving them a light squeeze. "Fuck I'm gonna cum" another moan came from her mouth.

Her grip on my hair tightened, "swallow it like a good girl" I sucked as hard as I could, she pushed herself as long as she cloud down my throat.

Not even seconds later I felt her hot cum in my throat. Good I love that taste.

When she pulled out, she looked at me with a smile. "Good little slut" I stood up as she pulled her boxers and pants back on. She gave me one last kiss, probably tasting herself. We exited the gas station hand in hand and started our drive again.


We pulled were finally here, a big ass mansion. About 8 floors if I don't remember wrong, we drove to a black gate. Miley put in a code and her fingerprint.

The doors opened and we drove inside, the garden looked amazing, a big ass pool with a slide, a lot of trees, flowers of all sorts, some working in the garden.

She drove into the garage that were under the ground, a lot of cars were here, probably about 25-30 cars.

"Are you ready for a new chapter in your life?"

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now