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Her name kept repeating in my head, I'm currently at lunch, with this stinky ass food. I haven't gotten her out of my mind since what happened after English class today. Or like 3 classes ago.

"Earth to Billie?"

My head snapped in Drew's Direction, "yes?" I raised an eyebrow. "What were you thinking about?" I can't tell them I'm thinking of a girl that got me mad horny.

"How I'm going to take Leah's lunch money" I said and got up. Leah always sit at the same table so this is easy. I walked towards her and saw the girl herself. What is she doing with Leah.

"Hey dork" I slapped Leah's head, "I- I don't have the money" she stuttered and looked down at her bag. "Lair, hand it over" I slapped her face once more, she got her bag and pulled out a 20 dollar bill.

I took the money from her hand, cupped her cheeks in one hand and looked at her directly in the eyes. "Don't lie to me next time idiot" a smirk on my lips came while I kicked her in the stomach, she whined in pain. I looked up and saw Miley smirking at me. I smirked back and walked to my table again.

Looking at Leah she was crying and ran away. Miley was on her phone once again, she looked so beautiful, and so god damn sexy. "Got a crush or?" Zoe smirked, "what nooo" I dragged out the 'o' while Zoe rolled her eyes at me.

"I get why you like her tho, that's one hot chick" I hummed in response. Fuck it's gonna be a long ass day.


I haven't seen her all day, and it's now my last class. History. I haaate history. Fucking useless shits.

This time I actually got to class in time, ether Zoe or Drew has this class and I feel so done. I sat down in the back of the class so I could just sleep the whole class. That works pretty well. I put my arms down on the desk and plopped my head in my arms and got comfortable.

More and more people started so come inside the classroom. I heard the chair beside me move and someone sitting down.

Most people don't like sitting down next to me, which is understandable. Someone's arms came around my waist lifting me up.

I groaned and look up and saw Miley, "why can't I just sleep" I mumbled. "You can it just looked uncomfortable" she smiled and stroke my chin with her fingers.

"I was pretty comfortable" I huffed, I was really comfortable to. "Come here" she opened her arms as a sign for me to lean into her.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I placed myself on her chest. With my head on her chest and my ass still in my chair. I wish she just put me on her lap or something.

Why do I sound so much like a fucking bottom. I'm not a fucking bottom. Or maybe just for her. Wa-

Before I knew it she lifted me up and placed me on top of her lap. Now this is comfortable.

"Billie get of her lap" mr Jones pointed at me. "She gets of my dick when I tell her to" I felt a blush coming over my cheeks. I don't blush, what the fuck.

Mr Jones huffed and continued talking. When she said it like that I felt something poking me. Like between her legs. I'm not stupid ether. Her phone is in her hand, she's playing some game. I would have done the same if my plan isn't to sleep.

Maybe she dose have a dick. That would be mad hot. She's mad hot. I'm not normally a bottom but for her. Lord have mercy. It has come to this point where I probably would do anything she asks me.

But Billie why would you do that?

If doing so could make her to want me to be hers, or if she wants to just fuck me. Or even just being on her lap. Gooodddd she's so hot.

Her hand is covered in tattoos, her veins poking threw. I wonder if her dick has veins, or how long it is, and how thick it is.

Just by the feeling right now it feels pretty big. I felt a sudden rush and confident come over me. I grabbed her chin and put my mouth next to her ear. "How long are you? Mommy" I don't know why she likes being called that, but I kinda like calling her that.

She smirked at me, "12 inches baby" my mouth dropped she continued to smirk at me and kissed the top of my head. "Get some sleep kitten"

I did as told and laid down on her chest again, my eyes started drifting to sleep, 12 fucking inches. Omg

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