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"They poisoned you so you would kill me, but it didn't work and made you want to kill them instead. They did this so your mom could take my place, Drew could have you for herself and they all could have this place for themselves"

"We need to fucking kill them"

"We do princess, we do" Miley stroke my hair, my blood is boiling, I've never felt this angry before. They fucking wanted to kill Miley and just give me away to Drew, I DONT EVEN LIKE DREW THAT WAY.

My heart was beating so fast it feels like it's going to explode. Miley's other hand went to my waist, "I can't believe they wanted to do that" "me nether"


I woke up by the sun shining inside the room from the windows beside the bed. I was laying directly on top of Miley, with my head on her chest.

She had her hands on my ass and her hair was all over her face. I sighed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. 8:45 fuck.

I was going to set down my phone, but then a message from Drew popped up.

Meet me in the garden
We need to talk.

What the fuck.


Come and you'll see

Just tell me why

I'll tell you if you come

I looked up at Miley and she was still asleep. I sighed and tried to get out of her grip without waking her up. I took her left wrist in my hand and lifted it up and laid her hand beside her body.

I lifted her right hand and laid it down beside her body. I took one leg out of the bed as slow and quiet as possible so she wouldn't notice. When she didn't give a reaction I did the same one with the other leg.

I took my arms and lifted my upper body up, and got out of bed. She whined but turned to her side. Sighing I made my way to the door.

I walked as quiet as I could, as I talked I tripped on a pair of shoes and fell to the ground with a slam. "Oh fuck" I whispered.

I quickly stood up and looked at the bed. She isn't in bed anymore? I looked around the room and didn't see her. Where the fuck did she go?  Is she Superman or some shit?

Two arms were wrapped me, her head was laying on my shoulder. I jumped at the contact, "boo" I jumped again as she whispered in my ear.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I- um food" she spun me around, and grabbed my waist. "What did I say about laying to me" her face was inches away from mine, and I felt her hot breath on my lips.

"I- um y-you s-said not t-to" I have no idea why I am so nervous, or I know. She raised an eyebrow, "tell me where you're going"

"D-Drew wants to meet m-me outside"

"And you're going without telling me?"

"You were sleeping"

"Well I'm not anymore, and you were trying to lie to me. Why?"

"I-I didn't want you to be mad"

"So you're gonna met the girl who thinks she will get you after I'm dead"

"Yeah" I whispered and looked to the ground playing with my finger. Two of her fingers went under my chin, "look at me when I'm talking to you"


"Do you want Drew?"

"W-what no"


"I don't want her"

"So why are you meeting up with her"

"S-she want me to"

"So you're following her orders?"

"I-I guess"

"You're not meeting up with her"

"But she said she wanted to tell me something"

"I don't give a fuck, you're not meeting up with her. You are staying here with me. You can find out what she wants to say afterwards"


"You don't think we're just gonna kill them right? I want to hear the whole plan, idea everything. And we're not gonna know it if we just kill them"

I nodded my head as she gave me a small smile, "what am I going to tell Drew then?" Her hands went to my thighs and she lifted me up.

"Tell her I won't let you go or something" I nodded my head again and put my hands around her neck. "What do you think she's gonna say?" I asked as she sat down on the bed again.

"I thinks she wants to poison you again"


"Why else? She knows she can't have you as long as I'm here, and they don't have the balls to kill me themselves to they want you to do it for them"

"I fucking hate my family"

"I do too"

"You literally didn't want to kill them in the start"

"Well yeah I didn't know the plan in the start"

"Well what's the plan now?"

"I think we're gonna get someone to put them in the basement, then we can ask questions"

"How are we gonna do that?"

"Will ether do it when their asleep like we did with Enya and that other girl or we could get someone to put them there"

"I think we should get someone to put them there"

"Then thats what were gonna do"

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