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Billie can't realize that Miley is mine. ONLY MINE.

I know she may be her girlfriend and shit but fuck that, Miley is everything I could want in a girlfriend. She's kind and caring and loving and sweet and good at seeexxx.

Okey yeah we may have done it like once 2 years ago or something but it felt really good. I don't see how she can waste her dick game on someone like Billie.

Atlas definitely want to fuck Billie, which I can't understand. It's Billie for fucks sake.

"Come on Billie is super nice, if you give her a chance" Storm smiled, his cat Lizzy in his lap. I swear to god that cat is always around him.

"Yeah I agree just give her a chance" Atlas agreed, we were sitting in the couch, waiting for Miley and Billie to come to join us at this movie night.

"I just don't like her" I shrugged and leaned into the chair.

Billie and Miley came downstairs, Billie had this stupid skirt on, with knee high socks. And a beautiful hoodie. Only because I know it's Miley's.

Atlas and Storm looked at me, I gave them a confused look. "What?" I took my hands through my hair. "It's your turn to pick a movie" I hummed and picked a marvel movie on Disney+

I looked over and saw that Billie had a huge smirk on her lips. This bitch. I focused my attention on the screen trying not to look at the fucking love birds.

That should have been me.

About 30 minutes into the movie I looked over at Billie. Her mouth open, her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head, and a big ass smirk on her lips.

Her fingers glided down to the couch to lift up her skirt, that's when I saw it. Miley's dick deep inside Billie. This mother fucker.

She must have had a plan or some shit, otherwise she wouldn't have wore a skirt I've never seen her wearing one.

Miley's hands were on her thighs, I couldn't see her face. I could only see Billie, and the worse part I couldn't look away.

Knowing that Billie had the dick inside her that I've wanted forever. For what? I've known Miley my whole life, we basically grew up together.

I thought we had something but guess not, she gave it all to some bitch with a beautiful body wow. I've never seen it but Billie has nice breasts, a nice ass and thighs.

But I could have been better, Billie never let go of the skirt, anyone of the boys could have turned around and see that they're fucking. But no.

My eyes were glued to the sight of it, Miley's dick went in and out of Billie, but so slow that we didn't notice it. I wouldn't have if I didn't turn around.

Not long after cum leaked out of Billie. How dose it not smell like sex? Cuz it doesn't, Billie sank fully down. The whole length inside her, she let go of the skirt.

For the first time in a while I looked up at her face, a big ass smirk on her face. I'm still going to get Miley. Nothing can stop me, she's mine.

Maybe all I need is for Billie to be gone, dead? Diapered? I don't even know if Billie can kill, I haven't seen her do it.

But the scary thing is, if Miley finds out she'll kill me. And she can do it with her bare hands, she's done it many times before. So may times I lost count.

But if Billie is gone then Miley needs someone to feel sorry for her, to make her feel better. That could be me. Who else would it be?

But I don't want anyone else to kill Billie, I wanna see the fear in her eyes. I wanna feel her blood on my fingers, I want to step on her body, feeling her lifeless, useless, dead.

Dead and only dead.

The only time I've seen Billie alone is when she came down that time at night, other than that she's always with Miley.

Of course I could kill her with Miley around, I just need her distracted, like when she's in the bathroom or something. That could have been good.

I sank down in my seat, folding my arms, looking at the screen with a smirk. This is gonna be good.


Is it to late to say I have powers and can read other people's thoughts?

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