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This is a long one lmao

"I mean yeah I can be terrifying"

Miley only laughed and stroke my hair, "you? Terrifying?" She laughed so much that she threw her head back in laughter. Tears came out of her eyes, at least she's not crying because she's sad?

"I mean it, stop being so mean, I'll beat you up" I folded my arms on my chest, and looked at her with a serious face. She looked at me for a minute after she calmed down, before she started to laugh again.

"Stop laughing you slut"

As soon as I said it, I regretted it. The room became silent, to silent. "Say it again" it was like her eyes were on fire, her veins almost poked out of her hands.

"Stop laughing you s-slut"

She didn't say anything, it was like she planned out what she was going to do. Her eyes locked with mine, she didn't smile, laugh, or make an face expression at all. A wave of fear rushed trough my face, and chills down my spine. Before I knew it her hand was around my neck, and our faces inches apart.

"Now you listen here you bitch, you talk to me with respect. I don't give a fuck what you say, I am your fucking master. I'm basically your king at this point. If I hear one word form that shitty mouth of yours until I'm done with you, your punishment will be even worse."

She stood up and threw me over her shoulder, walking out of her office into our room. Miley held my legs while my upper body was over her shoulder. There wasn't many people in the corridor, which is understandable since it is 2:30am.

We should probably work on our routine.

When we got to our room she sat me down on the floor. "Strip" Miley sat down on the bed as she watched me undress. I slowly took of my hoodie, throwing it on the floor beside me.

I untied my pants, and stepped out of them leaving them with the hoodie. This left me in a t-shirt and underwear.

I pulled the black t-shirt over my head, "that's enough, come here" her hand went in that strange 'come here' motion. I walked over to her and placed myself on her lap.

"You're such a whore" Miley whispered and unclipped my bra. I would be laying if I said I didn't like this, I like it when she dominates me. Both of her hands took one boob in one hand. Giving both of them a squeeze.

"Lay down, with your ass up" I obliged, her hands stroke my butt cheeks. Playing with the thong I was wearing.

"Already wet? I haven't even started" she gripped my ass, adjusting me so I was in the exact position she wanted me. I was in fact very wet, the heat between my legs are unbearable.

"Imagine Maggie seeing you like this. Like the stupid bitch you are. Or Finneas. He would probably throw up" I haven't thought about my family in a while, they are some stupid people sometimes.

"After each one you count and say thank you mommy or it won't count" "wha-" She gave me a hard slap on my ass, probably making a handprint form on my ass. I moaned into the pillow, to much in my own world.

"I thought I said count?" She slapped me harder this time. My thong is probably going to be ruined by the time she's done. "One t-thank you mommy"
"good girl"


"Two thank you mommy"


"Three thank y-you mommy"


"Four thank you mommyyy"


"T-thirty n-nine...thank you mommy"

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