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"You know the reward I said you'd get?" Miley whispered, while she put a piece of hair behind my ear. "Mhmm" a smirk appeared on her lips. "Sit on my face darling" A form smirk on her face as she turned around and let her back hit the mattress.

Her dick was still in me so I got up, untied the hoodie and slowly placed myself on her face. She grabbed my thighs and placed me on her mouth.

Her tongue made contact with my wet pussy,I let out a low moan as I placed more myself on her face.

I rocked my hips on her face, while her tongue did the magic. Placing both of my hands in her hair I rocked faster and faster. The hands on my thighs pulling me even more into her face.

Her hot breath on my wet cunt made me moan on its own. Miley's tongue exploded every bit of me, knowing exactly what spots to hit.

"Mmmmm mommmyyyy" my back arched, and I griped her hair tighter. One of her fingers entered my pussy. I through my head back in satisfaction, her finger worked perfectly with her tongue.

My mouth hung open and low moans coming out. A second finger was added and they plumped in and out of me. This feels like heaven.

"FUCCKK" my back arched more and more, I couldn't form a single thought. Everything was blank. Her fingers added with her tongue, is one of the best feelings in the world. A knot in my stomach was formed and I let out a loud scream. "I'm gonna-" I cut myself of with a loud moan my legs shaking uncontrollably and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

I got up and laid down beside her, she had cum on her cheeks, around her mouth and on her nose. "Lick the cum of my face" she said as soon as I calmed down.


"You heard me, lick it off" I laid myself on top of her, I licked the cum on her chin, moaning at my own taste.


I woke up and Miley wasn't beside me or cuddling me at all. I sighed and sat up, I saw her on the couch. Why is she on the couch and not giving me fucking attention?

"Mommmyyyyy" that word just gets something out of her, if I just say it I normally get everything I want. It's fantastic.

"Yes princess?" She looked at me, her phone in her hands and a lollipop between her lips. I just looked at her hoping she would get the hint. Soon enough she did and walked over to me.

Miley sat down beside me, I waisted no time and placed myself on her lap. "Why were you all the way over there?" I huffed and laid my head in the cock of her neck.

"I had to get something and you were asleep, so I went and then when I came back you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. Nothing more" Miley smiled. "What did you get?"


We both giggled, I sat up and looked at her. "Why did you get lollipops?" I took the lollipop she had between her lips and took it in my mouth. This shit taste good.

"I wanted some" Miley giggled, "that's fine by me, can we get dinner now? I'm hungry" She gave me a way to serious look, like the look she had when we were in her office.

"There are many people downstairs, if you let go of my hand just one second, you're getting spanks. Understand?" I nodded my head, as I sucked the lollipop. "good girl"

We got up and she took her hand in mine. I was wearing a oversized hoodie with some oversized sweatpants. Simple but comfortable.

She was wearing basically the same, we got out from our room. A lot and I mean a lot of people around. Still everyone was wearing the same boring outfit.

We got downstairs, not as many people there but still many. The kitchen had some left over pizza so we just warmed that one. The kitchen was also super dirty, what happened here?

Everyone was looking at me. Did I do something wrong?

A little boy came to my side and started to drag me by my hoodie. What the heck. He looked to be around 5, blond hair, and the same outfit that everyone wore.

"Why aren't you wearing a uniform?" He said and sucked on his finger, he then proceeded to take his finger into his nose. It's at this time I remember why I am on birth control.

"She doesn't have to wear one, because she's higher up in the System" Miley said and got our pizzas ready. "NOW WHO EVERS KID THIS IS GET IT OUT OF MY FACE AND THIS PLACE BETTER BE FUCKING CLEANED WHEN IM BACK DOWNSTAIRS" She screamed and we walked to our room again.

We finally got to our room, we decided to watch a movie so we cuddled up on the couch. "What was that about?" "What was about what?"

"Why are there so many people here?" She sighed and played with my hoodie. "Some other gang got taken down, we take those who want to work here and gets them to work."

"And why couldn't I let go of your hand?"

"There were so many people there and I didn't want some bitch to drag you to them to fuck. Only I can fuck you" She smirked and kissed my cheek.

We ate the pizza, some more lollipops and fell asleep on the couch.

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