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-About a week later-

"Come on let's go to the pool" Billie tried to drag me out of bed, it's currently 3:46am. I pulled Billie closer, taking the covers over us. "Five more minutes" I mumbled into her hair.

"Nooooo, let's go now" she whined and pulled off the covers again. "Why do early" I tightened my grip around her. "If you get up we can fuck in the pool" Billie whispered in my ear. My eyes shot open, looking at hers they were full of hunger.

We made our way down to the pool. We didn't change, since we're going in there naked lol. Billie got in before me, her clothes were spread everywhere.

I pulled off my hoodie, and took off my pants, underwear and so on. Before I joined her in the pool.

She came towards me, her tits looked so good. Who am I Kidding they always look good. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and her hands around my neck. My hands went to her thighs as I pulled her in for a kiss.

The kiss was slow, and filled with love. I felt myself grow underneath her, and soon enough I was fully hard.

She rocked her hips back and forth, her hands going into my hair. One of my fingers traced to her clit, slowly rubbing it.

Billie let out a low moan, and continued to kiss me. I put one finger inside her, going at a slow pace. Her grip around me tightened, her wet walls clenched around my finger.

More and more moans came from her lips. I added another finger and went faster, Billie's legs started to shake, and she struggled to keep kissing me.

Billie broke the kiss letting a loud moan escape her lips. The best sound in the world. "please..." I took the opportunity to add another finger, feeling her struggle to hold herself up.

"Tell me what you want babydoll"

"Y-your DICK-" she cut herself of with a louder moan than before. Taking my fingers out of her, I washed her juices off my fingers in the water.

One hand of mine went to my cock lining it up with her entrance, only letting the head go inside. Billie rested her head on my shoulder, as she let out a little moan.

I slowly pushed myself inside of her, her walls clenching around me. "more..." she whispered when I took about 3 inches in.

Soon enough I was fully inside of her, both of my arms grabbed her waist and pushing me in and out of her.

Her hands tightened their grip in my hair, as more and more moans came out. The water splashed everywhere, hitting the grass around the pool.

Billie's nails scratched my scalp, "OHH YESS" she screamed at the top of her lounges. I started to go faster and harder, making the water go everywhere.

My lips made contact with her neck, and I started to leave open mouth kissed all over her. I sucked, licked and bit all over her neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.

"I'm....I'm gonna cum mommyyyyyy" she moaned out the last part, her legs shaking around my waist. "Cum for mommy" I kissed the skin beside her ear.

Billie moaned out loud before her walls tightened around me, making my eyes roll into the back of her head, she came all over my cock. She was shaking, and struggling to hold herself up.

"cum in me mommy, please"

With one last slam I released my load, as we both moaned. I swear we probably added another layer into the water.

"Fuck me on the floor" Billie blurred out, her head on my shoulder. "Why on the floor?" "We haven't done that yet" she whispered and kissed my neck.

I made my way out of the pool with her still in my arms. I laid her down on the cement floor beside the pool. She looks so sexy, and since my dick still was in her cum leaked out of her.

So precious.

"Fuck me mommy" her hands went to my waist pulling me in to her. I gave her a quick kiss before i started to kiss my way down her body.

Once I reached her nipples, I took one in my mouth while I played with the other one. Rolling my fingers over the nipple as I sucked the other one.

Once I felt done with her boobs I looked up at her again, her blue eyes meeting mine. "Look at me" both of my arms were on ether side of her body.

I started to work my pace slow but hard. Her face had an expression that I can't describe, just an expression of pleasure.

Her hands grabbed my shoulder, scratching my back probably leaving marks. "Oh fuck" her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

I leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "didn't you hear what I just fucking said? Be a good girl and look at me while I fuck you" she only moaned in response.

Her eyes met mine again. I gave her an approval smile before I started to go faster, watching her struggle to keep eye contact.

Her back arched and she moaned the loudest I've ever heard her moan. "Ahhhh fuck mommy" her nails scratched my back even more, her fingers were full of blood.

Billie clenched hard around my dick, at this point it was me that struggled to keep eye contact. I finally let in and rolled my eyes in the back of my head as a loud scream came out of my mouth.

"I'm gonna fucking cum" I whispered after another moan, looking down at Billie she looked like she was in heaven. Mouth vide open, eyes in the back of her head, and she let out loud moans and whimpers.

"Me to mommy...FUCK" her grip on my shoulders tightened. With another trust both of us came, her legs shaking underneath me. We were both breathing heavily, once we made eye contact I brought her lips into a deep kiss.

"Let's get you cleaned up and cuddle kitten"

I picked her up, letting her body fall into me. Her back was red from the cement floor. While I was holding her I picked up every pice of clothing we had brought down.

I made her a nice bath, letting her calm down and relax. While she had her bath I put the clothes in the washing machine, I found some of her favorite food and snacks putting them on the bed.

Billie won't talk to be about it but I know she doesn't want to sleep. Many times I wake up to her crying and just saying she had a nightmare. And I've said that if she wants to talk about it I'm here but she doesn't and I respect that.

I just want her to know that I'm here when she needs me.

When she sleeps she normally sleeps on my lap in my office when I'm working. I don't see how that's comfortable but if she wants to I'm not stopping her.

I went into the bathroom again, she was standing up with a towel around her, her hair wet and water dripping from it.

I helped her dry and put on some comfortable clothes on her. We went to bed and she picked out the office to watch. She has seen this show a million times. We cuddled up, her sitting in my lap while I braided her hair as she ate snacks.

I put her hair in French braids, she looks so cute in French braids. We sat there and watched the office till sunset, laughing at some parts.

This feels like home, she feels like home.

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