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-one month later bitches-

I've gotten to know everyone more and more, and the place itself. Enya doesn't like me for some weird reason, and we have these movie nights that we do every night. They're really fun.

Me and Miley doesn't see the others except if we're eating and having one of those movie nights. Since her office is upstairs, and all the other work stuff she dose it's not necessary I guess.

I don't really do shit here, expect watching Netflix, annoying Miley and be with Miley. Of course there's stuff I can do, I just doesn't do it. Maybe that's why Enya don't like me, cuz I can skip everything without Miley being mad and she can't?

Anyways it's 4 am and I can't sleep, also my stomach is killing me for some food. I got out of Miley's grip kissed her cheek and made my way downstairs for some food.

I don't expect to see a single person here at this time, so I'm only wearing shorts and a tank top. You can clearly see how my neck and thighs are full of hickeys.

Miley teased the shit out of me yesterday, I'm surprised I can even walk. But I walk just fine.

I got to the kitchen, opening the fridge I decided to make myself some avocado toast. I started slicing the avocado, and toasting the bread.

I heard some noises coming behind me, turning my head I saw Enya. She rolled her eyes and opened the freezer and took out some ice cream.

I decided I should probably mind my business, so I continued making my food. This is the only time I've been with her alone.

"Hear here Billie"

I turned my head and raised one eyebrow, "I know you think Miley's yours and shit, but that's where you're wrong, she's mine and she always will be" she smiled and took ice cream into her mouth.

"I don't think she's mine, I know she's mine, and she is, she is mine and mine only, sorry but I don't share"

"You're wrong Billie, she's mine" she smirked.

"I don't see you full of hickeys, I don't see you sleeping in her bed, I don't see you doing everything with her, I don't see her having sex with you" I smirked back and finished my avocado toast.

"Oh but she do fuck me"

"When? In your dreams?" The smirked never left my lips, I walked away with my toast taking a bite I walked up the stairs.

Who dose this bitch think she is?

I didn't want to wake Miley up so I went to her office. I sat in her chair and ate my toast while watching Netflix on her pc.

I watched some episodes of the office and my food was gone, I went to our room again and saw her still sleeping. But now cuddled up into a pillow.

I laid down beside her, taking the pillow out of her grip. She soon wrapped her arms around me again. "Where have you been?" She mumbled into my hair.

"I was hungry so I went to get food and I watched Netflix in your office" she mumbled something back but I didn't catch what she said.

"Do you like Enya?"

"No why?" Her hand went under my tank top to my bare back and stroke it. "I met her in the kitchen and she said you are hers"

"I'm not we had a one night stand some years ago, guess she never got over it, I was pretty drunk that night to, but no I just want you. You're mine and I'm yours"

A relief came over me, now that I'm safe with that Miley's mine I'll just have to show Enya that Miley's mine and mine only.

While Miley feel asleep I started to think of ways I can make Enya realize that Miley's mine. I played with Miley's hair while I thought about my plan.

I could make her fuck me at dinner or something, I could give her head in front of Enya, I could make out with her but that's to easy. I need to do something more. Something sexual.

Something that will be stuck in Enya's mind every time she sees ether me or Miley, and I can make it happen more then one time. Miley is a horny ass, she's up to sex everywhere at anytime.

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