I love this chapter<3

-like a day or two after idk-


Miley's in her office working and I'm bored as fuck. I've watched everything on Netflix, and actually doing something useful? No thanks.

I got up from the bed and looked myself in the mirror, I don't think I've ever had this many hickeys. There's so many of them. Holy fuck.

I put on one of her hoodies and walked out of our room. All these different people walking around the house working their ass off. And what am I doing? Nothing.

I walked past them, everyone of them dressed in the same black uniform. The way to her office isn't that long so it took me no longer than 3 minutes to get there. This house is fucking massive.

And because I'm superior I don't need to knock lol.

So I just walked into her office, she was sitting in her chair, a lot of papers on her desk. She reed through them, writing on a couple of them.

I cleared my throat so she would acknowledge my presence. "Yes princess?" She didn't look up at me, to focused on her papers.

"I'm bored"

She sighed and put down her pen, rolling her chair back and opening her arms. A smile appeared on my lips and I sat down on her lap.

Her fingers glided through my hair, a sigh coming after. "Do you wanna start training?" Do I? No. I've done all that shit before. I shook my head and rested it on her shoulder.

"Do you wanna work on with technology?" I shook my head again. Technology isn't for me.

"Do you-" she was cut off by a knock at the door. Miley kissed my forehead, and continued stroking my hair.

"Come in" the door opened and Enya came in. She wore the same outfit as everyone else, or Miley didn't wear it.

"Her is the files you needed" she handed Miley a whole bunch of files. Holy fuck. "Thanks, is the box secured?" She put the files next to the others, "yes boss"

"Was it something else?" Enya took a deep breath and looked to the ground. "Lake came back from the mission today..." Miley stoped playing with my hair.

"Well?" Her fingers rested on my chin, "He...he didn't get it" Enya looked to the ground the whole time, what are they talking about?

I looked at Miley, anger all over her face. "SO HE JUST CAME BACK?!" I've never heard her scream like this before. Why is that thing so important?

"H-he said there were to m-many people around to get it" Enya played with her fingers, fear all over her face. "HE HAD ONE JOB" she rested her hand on her desk and put her head in her hand. "I don't care how you do it. But that thing better be in my hands by the end of the week"

Enya nodded her head slowly, "you can go" she turned around and walked out of the door. As soon as the door closed, Miley went back to her paperwork.

I don't know if I should ask or not, she looks mad as fuck. God she's hot when she's mad. She put some files away and worked on the others.

"What was that about?" Bad mistake Billie. Bad mistake. She looked at me, anger all over her face. But a small smile coming after.

"I'll tell you later, now be a good girl and sit on mommy's lap and don't say a word" I was about to say something, my mouth open. Please just let me say thiiissss.

"You can say one last thing"

"How about you put your dick in me to help you don't stress as much? I promise I'll be quiet and I won't move unless you say so"

"You know what sure" I got off her lap and pulled down my pants and underwear, she let her dick spring free, surprisingly it was hard.

I positioned myself on her dick, my hands around her neck. "Good girl, now be quiet" I nodded my head and rested it on her shoulder.

I have no idea on what it is that got her this mad, she has never told me to be quiet so that new. But at least she want me close? And I have her dick in me so I can't complain.

And that thing seemed important, but if it is important why hasn't she told me? She tells me everything. Or at least that's what I thought.

One of her hands stroke my back up and down, her head on my shoulder giving it a sweet kiss. What's annoying me is that if someone comes in they can see my fucking ass.

And I am not the person that likes to show my ass, but at least they have to knock. But at the same time I can't speak. I've no idea on what's gonna happen if I speak but I'm not going to risk it.

I've seen what Miley can do and it's scary in some way. I know she wouldn't hurt me though, but she can fuck me hard. Really hard.

A knock on the door came, fuck. Miley took off her hoodie and tied it around my waist so my ass didn't show. Thank god.

"Come in" I didn't see who came in, since my face was the other way. But I soon realized it was Enya again. "Well?"

"Lake had some files, thoughts maybe you wanted them." She accepted the files, and Enya walked out of the room again.

She didn't say anything about kisses? Maybe that can help a little?

I left small kisses on her neck, up to her ear and down again. She didn't say anything, and she didn't do anything so I kept kissing her.

She was still rock hard inside me, if only I could move.

"I thought I said you couldn't move" I stoped kissing her and rested my head on her shoulder again. My fingers went to play with the baby hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.

"Is my princess bored?" I nodded my head, both of her hands on ether side of my waist, pulling my upper body up, so I could look her in the eyes.

"That's to bad, you came in here, so you can at least be to some use. You have my dick in you wasn't that enough for you? Do you want attention to?"

I nodded my head again and rested my forehead against hers. "Sluts like you don't get attention, they get fucked, and now" her fingers went to my chin, our mouths inches apart.

"You are a fucking slut, sluts don't get what they want, they follow orders and get fucked. Now you sit right here, you're not allowed to make any noise or move unless I say something else. Understood slut?" 

I nodded my head against her forehead, "say it" "yes mommy" a smile appeared on her lips. "Good slut" she gave my lips a quick kiss before she put me in the position she wanted me in.

My arms around her neck, legs around her waist, head in the cock of her neck. I didn't move, I didn't say anything. Her dick was fully inside me, and resting in a certain spot that felt so good.

I know she didn't fully mean what she said. Because she cares about me, and she gives me attention, and she stops anything she dose if I'm hurt, even if it's a small paper cut and I'm definitely not a slut.

I guess she's just stressed, and if me just being here can help, even if I'm not moving or talking than I'm more than happy to help.

And this side of her is kinda hot.

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