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-2 months later-

Everyone says Billie is a top, and I mean yeah sure but for me she's totally a bottom.

I have this weird feeling that I need to protect her, and it's strange. I've never felt like this before. So I'm gonna do my best to keep her safe.

It's 10:46 and she's at school, with the information I've got from Leah I know exactly what I need to do and where I need to do it.

I hopped into my car, it's a rainy day. I need to get this done by 2:00pm so I can pick Billie up from school at 3. Since I didn't need any more information I just dropped out. I don't need to go there anyways I'm a fucking mafia leader.

The destination was about 1 hour away, I'm also planning on taking Billie to the Mansion. I didn't want to do it in the start cuz I didn't know if I could trust her, but now that we've been together for about 2 months, I feel like I can trust her more.

The radio blasted though the speakers, as I drove through LA. Humming to the song, I drove past LA, into some woods.

After I drove in the woods for a while I finally arrived. It's a small house, but it got what I need inside. The house was yellow, with a brown brick roof.

The door looked old, like it was going to crack if you pushed to hard. All the windows were sealed, I saw the camera pointing to the door.

I brought up my pc, that's hidden in my backpack.

After hacking the cameras for about 30 minutes I was finally in. There were about 3 cameras, none of them could see my car.

I disabled every one of them, looking for microphones I saw none so I hope there's none. I had 4 knifes in my pockets, 2 in each, and one Revolver in my hand.


I got as quickly and quiet out of my car as possible. The door was locked so I took one of my knifes and got it open.

I wore a beanie over my head with holes to my eyes, a black hoodie with the hood up, black gloves and black pants and shoes.

The light was on, amateurs.

I walked inside and saw a man with his back towards me. I pointed my gun at him, checking and saw there was no one else here.

He was slicing apples, lol.

I pulled the trigger and the bullet went right through his head. Blood streamed out of his hair and he fell to the ground.

"what was that..?" Someone from upstairs whisper yelled. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, I hid behind the wall so they wouldn't see me.

This gave me a chance to see though the room. It's an old house, the man was old himself. Probably would have died soon anyways.

They came downstairs and looked everywhere except where I was. "OMG TONY" a girl with bright pink hair screamed, a boy came afterwards with a gun.

"They have to be here somewhere"

I pointed the gun at the girls head, before they could turn around I shot her. She fell to the ground as well. A shot was made my way, about 2 inches away from my face.

I didn't flinch, just because I knew it wouldn't hit me. "Bad idea boy" before he could shoot me I shot him. All their body's laid on the floor, checking the time it was 11:36.

I walked out from the kitchen, I knew what I needed was upstairs. Walking up the stairs, I looked for more people cuz you never know.

But I know there's not many people here at this time. That's why I came her at this time. Once I was on top of the stairs I saw 2 doors. One open one closed.

I went inside the door that was open first, only seeing a bed and a desk. The desk had some files on it, I went over and saw files that could be useful.

I took all the files with me, looking around the room again I saw nothing special. Then I walked into the room that was closed, the door wasn't locked.

Once the door was open I saw what I came for. It was inside a black box in the corner. Before taking a step inside the room I checked for any traps, I didn't see any so I stepped inside.

I grabbed the box, there was nothing more special in this room to. There was a screen with all the cameras lined out, looks like they tried to connect them again.

I got what I needed so I exited the building, my car looked like a fucking dream. I put the stuff in the backseat, taking the papers into a bigger box also with the smaller box. So everything was in this big box.

I sat the box down underneath the drivers seat. Got inside my car, and drove home.


I stopped at Taco Bell to get Billie something before I drove to her school to pick her up. I leaned against the car, with my phone in my hands.

Looking up I saw my baby walking up to me. I put my phone in my pocket, she looked so good. She wore a white crop top, some leather pants and Jordan's.

I cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, she put her hands around my neck and mine glided down form her cheeks to her waist.

"How was school?" I smiled, "exhausting, I got in like 5 fights" she rested her head on my chest, "did you get hurt?" She shook her head, "of course you didn't" I giggled.

"Come on I got you taco bell" She laughed and we got in the car and I handed her the Taco Bell.

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