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"Just ignore them" Billie sighed as we walked into the kitchen. Billie wore a hoodie, some shorts, her hair in a messy bun and the collar that said 'mommy's girl'

After what Drew tried I'm gonna have her wear them a lot more. I had on a simple t-shirt and some sweatpants.

"Look Billie I'm sorry" Finneas said, Billie completely ignored him and dragged me to the fridge. "Can you make me a burrito mommy?"
Wait. What. Did she just. Okey.

"I- yeah of course darling" I kissed the top of her head and took out some beans. "Billie what the fuck is around your neck, and what did you just call her?" Maggie almost screamed. She just said it very loud, but not loud enough for it to be a scream.

Again Billie completely ignored them, she leaned into the counter and went on her phone while I made her food.

"Billie you answer your mother when she speaks to you" Patrick sighed. The room became silent. Until Drew and Zoe walked in. "Hey Billie" Zoe smiled.

Billie still didn't answer, taking all her attention on her phone. I decided to make her two burritos, because why not.

"Billie are you alright?" Drew asked, walking over to Billie. She took her hand on Billie's shoulder, Billie took Drew's hand away and looked over at me.

I took both of her burritos on a plate and gave them to her. "Did you do something to Billie?" Zoe asked looking at me. Both me and Billie giggled before we walked away hand in hand.


We both turned around, Billie threw her middle finger up at them all and we walked away. "Is this really how you want it to be?" I questioned and opened our bedroom door.

"No but they are fucking annoying, and I'm not over the fact that they lied to me all those years" she sat down on the couch, finding the tv remote to put on a movie.

"Isn't it kinda childish to just ignore them?" Billie sat the plate on the table and stood up in front on the couch. "It may be but what do you suggest we do instead?"

"I don't know" Billie rolled her eyes with a smile, she pulled down her shorts and underwear. "Nice ass" I smacked her ass. She almost jumped, I giggled at her reaction while she just smiled.

She got over to me, pulling my pants and boxers down. "You could have asked you know" she only hummed before she sank down on my dick, a low moan coming after.

"Not my fault you have good dick game, and I need something" she took her plate and ate her burritos as we watched the office. Again.


"BILLIE YOU CAN TREAT US LIKE THIS" we both turned our heads to see Maggie in the doorway, closing the door after her.

She isn't even allowed to be here.

And I am so fucking glad we have a blanket over us.

"Billie explain, now." Billie still had one burrito left, so she completely ignored her and took another bite. "Is this your work? Have you done this to my beautiful Billie?" Maggie pointed her finger at me.

"Mom she hasn't now shut up and get out" Billie mumbled with her mouth full. "I am not going anywhere without answers." Maggie folded her arms.

"Actually this room is marked as red, you can't be here. Now go out before something happens" Maggie's eyes looked like they were on fire.


I grabbed the gun I had in the couch, there's guns everywhere in this room, don't ask. And pointed it to her head. "I will tell you one more time. Get. Out."

"Are you really going to kill me? Billie's mother? She will hate you" Maggie smiled? This is a side of her I didn't know she had.

"I'm not quite sure about that" Billie said as she swallowed the food in her mouth. Billie took her arms around my neck, a small smirk on her lips.

"At this point I'll get mad if she doesn't kill you" I know Billie wants me to kill her, but isn't that a little to far? Wow I really said that. Me. Damn. I guess in this house nothing is to far.

"Just tell me what's going on, why are you wearing that stupid thing around your neck? Why did you call her 'mommy'?"

Billie laughed. "Because she is my mommy, how can I say this in a way you would understand?" Billie stopped before she started to speak again.

"Miley is my mommy, my master if you want me to put it that way, and I wear this because I'm hers. Her girl. Her little toy." Maggie looked shocked, both me and billie smirked at her.

"Now mom I think you should go, don't you think so mommy?" Billie looked at me with a smirk. "I do Babygirl" Maggie huffed.

"You have brainwashed her!"

"She hasn't mom, she is just the first one to love me without lying."

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