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School ended some hours ago and now I'm home watching tv with Finneas. We're watching some new marvel film or whatever, Finneas choose it so I have no idea.

"Oh I got a girlfriend" he said smiling, I spitted the water I was drinking out of my mouth. "You what?" He bursted out laughing throwing his head back in laughter.

"I m-mean it" he said between laughs and wiped the tears coming from his eyes. "I don't believe you finny" he took his phone out of his pocket to show me a picture of her.

She was beautiful, not as beautiful as Miley tho. No one is. "Really?" I was happy for him truly happy for him. He hummed, "she's coming over today actually" his smile was bright, I haven't seen him smile as bright before. If this girl makes him happy then I'm happy for him.

I gave him a smile back as we continued watching the move. Although I couldn't focus on the movie. I haven't really focused on anything since English class.

Her lips on mine felt to unreal, the way her hands pulled me as close as possible. And the way her dick felt under my ass. My pussy was literally throbbing at that point.

And just by thinking of it makes me wet as fuck. I'm so wet right now that it's uncomfortable. I need to fix this. I need to fix this now.

I stood up, as Finneas gave me a weird look. "I forgot that I have an assignment for Monday and I really have to get it done. Like right now so that I don't have to worry about it" I smiled awkwardly. I never do my assignments why would he believe me. I can't just say I'm fucking wet and need to masturbate ether.

"Good you finally care about school" he smiled, before I said something more stupid I walked upstairs to my room. Opening my bedroom door I sighed and took off my shoes.

I closed my bedroom door, pulled down my pants and underwear and laid down on my bed. Tracing my fingers down my body just to where I need them the most. My juices came all across my fingers.

fuck I'm so wet.

I put one finger inside, and started to plump it in and out. My other hand went under my shirt to my boobs and played with my nipple.

I bet Miley would have fucked me just as hard as I need. With that I put one more finger inside me, I threw my head back into the pillows letting a small moan escape my lips.

No one has ever fucked me like I need, but I know that her dick game is better then anyone else's.

I imagine that my fingers are Miley's, and that my hand on my boob is hers. "Oh yes M-Mommy" I still remember the first time we met when she put her hand over my vagina. That day I cummed 3 times.

Adding another finger I started to think about today's class. With her dick rock hard against my pussy. A louder moan escaped this time, and I don't give a fuck right now if Finneas finds out. All I want is Miley's dick in me.

The way she was willing to make out with me just so Leah would see that I'm hers. Oh god. I started to go faster and faster.

And the way she made me call her mommy, no one has ever done that. "Mmmm just like that mommy" I bet her fingers would do a better job then mine.

And maybe if I become her girlfriend I get beg her to have her dick inside me at all times. "Oh yes" I moaned.

I don't want anything more in life then to be hers, and her dick for fucks sake.

A knot in my stomach formed, oh god I'm gonna cum in any minute now. I plumped my fingers faster and faster inside me.

I hit a certain spot that made me go over the edge. "M-MOMMY" I moaned and threw my head back into the pillows. I came all over my fingers, breathing heavily. Oh I hope she fucks me tomorrow.

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