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Third person pov~

It's been a week since the couple decided to ignore Billie's family. Finneas tried every trick in book to get Billie to talk to him but Billie didn't care.

Billie has never felt so hurt before, and she finds herself sometimes wondering if she is better off without them. But she knows she would miss them, so she hasn't done anything yet.

Miley has tried everything to get Billie to talk to her family. She started to talk to them herself two days after. Billie wasn't happy Miley talked to her family, but she soon realized Miley had to talk to them because of work.

The voice in Billie's head is getting worse and worse. It's always there, and for every day that goes the voice becomes louder and louder.

Billie finds herself on her and Miley's shared bed. She was laying on her stomach, and a pillow over her head trying to get the voice down. But nothing worked.

Billie screamed into the mattress, dragging the pillow over her ears even more. She screamed until she lost her breath. But she knew that when she was with her family the voice got worse and louder then when she is without them.


I opened the bedroom door to see Billie, her face down on the mattress, and a pillow dragged over the back of her head.

Closing the door I walked over to her, pulling the pillow off her head. "What's going on?" I turned Billie around, she looked so tired.

"The voices are only getting worse"

I looked at her for a while trying to come up with something. I pulled her up, and over to my lap. Billie laid her head on my shoulder, "do you wanna try maybe killing someone else?"

I have this guy in the basement I don't have use for anymore. And if I let him go he'll snitch so why not see if it works on him?

"I can try" Billie sighed, I lifted her up by her thighs. "It's going to be okey love" I kissed her forehead. "But what if it doesn't" she sighed.

"I'm telling you, it's going to be okey" I stood up and walked out of the bedroom. To get to the basement we have to walk passed the living room, where her family was.

We reached the living room. I heard Billie sigh, she took both of her hands over her ears trying to cancel the noice.

"It's so loud" she whispered when we walked past them. "Billie I-" Maggie started but she was soon cut of by Billie screaming at her. "SHUT THE FUCK UP"

I took her to the basement, and we soon reached the huge door. The door had over 10 locks on it, for safety reasons.

I could feel Billie's eyes on me as I opened all the locks. The door finally opened to reveal a man tied up, hanging from the ceiling by his hands.

"Go on love, let see if it disperses." Billie nodded as I let her down. She shook her head and grabbed a knife and walked over to the man.

"Please please please don't don't don't" the man continued, but Billie didn't budge. It was like something took over her, something that only wanted to kill.

She slid the knife from his shirt down to the end of his pants. Sliding through the fabric, and making a huge scar.

The man was screaming. Normally I would expect Billie to say something but she didn't. She didn't say a thing.

She had soon ripped of all his clothes. He was only left in his boxer. Billie stabbed the knife into his right leg, he screamed on top of his lounges.

Blood streamed out of his leg when she took out the knife. "Just fucking kill me" he panted, Billie reached up to him and sliced his cheek.

She continued to stab him, and make scars on him until he passed out from the lack of blood. She took the knife and sliced his throat open, cutting his source of oxygen.

She took some steps back, dropping the knife on the floor. "What have I done" she took some more steps back. Billie looked at her hands they were covered in blood.

"Mommy what did I do"

She looked over her shoulder to look at me. "Is the voice still there?" She quickly shook her head. Billie looked over at the man again, hanging lifeless from the ceiling.

She turned around again, and ran up to me. Now my clothes are covered in blood great. I wrapped my arms around her, as she started to sob.

"Baby what's working? The voice is gone isn't it?" She nodded in my chest. "What if it comes back and then it won't go away unless I kill them. I don't wanna do the same to them"

"It was like something took over me, like I couldn't control it" I stoke her hair, kissing the top of her head. "It's going to be okey love"

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