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"Your package"

I looked up from Miley's computer, a man in an orange outfit. That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen. His hair was brown almost gray, and it was probably not longer than an inch long.

"Just put it down there" Miley pointed on the table in the corner of her office, the table is a metallic black color.

The package was huge though, it could barely fit on the small table. After he sat down the package, the man left again. The outfit was just to orange.

"What do you think it is?" I whispered and looked at the package. "The collars you ordered" Miley's shuffled with her papers, "but that's not coming until next week" I shook my head slightly.

"Well I haven't ordered anything else, so it had to be your package, unless I have a Secret admirer" Miley smirked.

I giggled and stood up and walked over to the package. There was no name on this thing, it had nothing on it except tape.

"Take the package over here, I wanna see to" I lifted the package, it wasn't so heavy as I thought it would be. I placed it on the floor next to Miley chair.

Squatting down on the floor I peeled off the tape, when I opened the package a letter was on top of whatever is inside.

Thank you so much for you order<33
You helped my small business very much<3
The collars are high quality, and I was so exited to make them.

Thank you again<3

"Yesssss" I looked up at Miley, who had a confused look on her face. I handed her the letter and looked inside the box.

Every single one of the collars I've ordered, I grabbed the first one I saw. It was pink with the text 'a little slut' looking up at Miley she had a similar smile as me on her face.

Miley took one out to, she picked a purple one. The purple one had a lot of chains on it, and the text 'I am owned'

"I can't wait to see you in one of these" She smirked, rolling my eyes with a little smile we continued to go through all of them.

We went through all 35 and had one left. This is the one I'm most excited for, the first one I added to the cart.

Miley took of the plastic in it and threw the plastic away. "Come sit" she patted her lap for me to sit in. I got up from the floor and placed myself on her lap, each leg on each side of her body.

She opened the collar with the fingerprint scan, this shit is so fancy. The collar itself was black, with some chains hanging from it.

The text 'mommy's girl' on the front was in glow in the dark letters, I still haven't told Miley that. She placed it on my neck, the coldness of it ran through my body.

Some chains that were on it was so long they went to my boobs, she fixed a little bit on the collar before she sat back into her chair.

"How do you feel?"

I scratched the back of my neck, feeling the collar between my fingers. "I kinda like it" Miley just gave me a smile, her fingers playing with the chains on the collar.

"What do you think?" I asked, she hasn't said anything about it. So I'm not quite sure if she likes it. "You look very pretty, I like it" she hummed, softly feeling everything on the collar.

"You also look like my slut" we both giggled, Miley took her hands to the chains. "Aren't these going to be annoying?" "I don't think so, there are some others without chains to"

"Did I tell you the letters glow in the dark" I smiled, a soft giggle left her lips. Miley looked down again to all the collars on the floor.

"I still have some work to do, how about when I'm done you can try every single one of them"

"Can't I just do that alone?"

"You added a fingerprint scanner, you can't get it off on your own. And I want to see them on you, but so far I like this one best"

She said and grabbed the collar and pulled me into her. "And now I can do this to" our lips met and she continued to hold the collar as we kissed.

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now