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-you're fucking dead"

I gulped and nodded my head slowly, her fingers went through my hair.

"I'm the leader of the mafia and we're taking down your little gang" she's what? But why does that make her so much more attractive.

"You could have just told me, I can help you if you want" she stroke my cheek. "No it's fine princess, I've men that dose that for me" Damn you rich rich.

"Is this the only reason you're here?" I really hope not, I like her. And I wanna be hers. "No, I was doing research and found you, when I knew your background and shit I thought maybe you could help or something but now I just have the feeling that I need to protect you, you know"

I smiled and hoped that the red light wouldn't let her see how much I was blushing. "You can protect me, I don't care. I feel safe with you anyways, it's weird I haven't felt like this in a while"

Her lips made contact with my forehead, if only that was my lips. "I have a suggestion" I kissed my teeth, "go for it"

"How about we try whatever we have, maybe go on some dates and we'll see how it goes?" She shrugged. "Like you want me to be your girlfriend?" Please say yes please say yes.

"I do but not yet, we met today so I wanna just go with the flow and see how it goes" Not what I hoped for but this works to.

"But we're not seeing anyone else" I gave her a serious look. "I know" her smile could kill me on its own if she wanted to. "Especially not Leah" I mumbled.

"Are you jealous?" She giggled. My face turned red as I hid my face in her chest. "That's cute, my little princess is jealous just because I sat with someone else at lunch" my little princess.

I wrapped my arms around her, and smashed my head more against her soft skin. She held me tighter and rested her head on top of mine.

"Don't worry, I don't want her, she's annoying anyways, she just talked about how she hopes you didn't come and take her money" Miley let out a little laugh. Damn that laugh.

-3 months later-


Miley: what are you doing on Saturday?

Billie: nothing why?

Miley: great, we're going on a date

Billie: what time?

Miley: 7pm be ready


What the fuck just happened, we haven't really talked since she was over at my house. Yeah sure we text on a daily basis but we haven't talked person to person that often. Not as often as I would like. 

I would still meet her at school, and she still talks to that Leah bitch. I know we aren't together but she's mine. And only mine.

It's Friday today so I'll see her at school. But if Leah is with her I'm gonna fuck her up. I can see it in her eyes for fucks sake. She likes Miley. MY MILEY.

I parked my car, locked it and went inside the school building. All the kids looked fucking miserable. "Hey bestie" Drew came to my right and Zoe to my left, they both took one arm around me as I did the same.

"What are doing this weekend, there's a new movie and we really wanna see it with you" Zoe smiled, I shook my head with a smile. "I'm actually going on a date this weekend"

We stopped at our lockers and took out our English books. "With who?" Drew whispered, "Eh Miley" a light blush came across my cheeks, before they could ask more the bell rang.

"We're talking about this later" Zoe smirked, we got into English class and I took a seat in the back of the class. Without realizing Miley sat beside me, she put her hand around my shoulder and I put my head on hers.

She had her other hand on her lap so in intertwined our fingers. A smile came across her lips and she rested her head on top of mine. God I love her.

The teacher talked no sense, about spelling or so. I couldn't focus, all I could focus on was Miley's hand on mine, her smell, and how safe she makes me feel.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" I whispered looking down at our fingers. "It's a surprise" I frowned and started playing with her rings.

"Don't worry, you'll like it" she kissed the top of my head, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up to see, wait, Leah?

Is she even in this class, well I hope she knows her place now. I smirked at Leah and leaned more into Miley. This time she wrapped both of her hands around me, basically pulling me over to her lap.

I put my hands around her neck to try to keep her as close as possible.

"Trying to make Leah jealous or?" She smirked, "I didn't even know she's in this class" I huffed. "She always has been" I hummed and traced my fingers over her tattoos.

"Do you like her?"

She let out a little giggle, "no I do not" her grip around me tightened, "then why are you so much with her?" Her mouth was right beside my ear.

"I have questions and she has answers, and if I'm with her I get them out of her. Besides am I not allowed to make friends?"

A relief came over me, "you are it's just that she likes you and it's obvious" I looked over to see Leah still looking at us. She grabbed my chin with her fingers, her cold rings came in contact with my jawline.

"Is she looking" she looked at me directly in my eyes. "Yeah" I whispered, and before I knew it her lips were on mine. They were soft like pillows, I knew they were soft before tho. She has kissed my face sometimes.

Her other hand went into my waist pulling me more into her. My pussy was throbbing at this point, how is she doing this. The fact that her dick got hard didn't help ether.

But her dick tho. It felt good even though it's not even inside me. Wow Billie you've become a fucking simp. At the same time I want her dick so bad inside me right now. Is that to much to ask for?

I shifted my position so my ass was completely on her dick. The hand that was on my chin went down to my neck pulling me even more to her.

I started to grind a little hoping no one other then Leah. Was watching. She broke the kiss before it could turn to something more. I grounded softly but didn't stop grinding.

Both of her hands roamed my body, she grabbed my thighs and pulled me more towards her. "Stop grinding before I fuck you in front of everyone"

Her mouth was close to my ear as she slowly bit my ear. I stoped but I sat right on top of it. If it really is 12 inches, lord have mercy. Rip that pussy eyyy.

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