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Miley: I'm picking you up in 10 minutes princess<3

Billie: see you then<3


Its 6:50 so she's exactly on time. I wore a black lace dress that showed off all off my curves and black heals with strings that went up my leg. I had no idea on where we were going but she said to dress fancy so that's what im doing.

Taking one last check in the mirror, I look so good. I had on light makeup, not that much, but not little ether. I took a red lipstick from my desk and put some lipstick on my lips. I look so sexy god damn.

Finneas's girlfriend Claudia stayed the night, she's nice. I see what Finneas likes in her. Looking over at my purses I took out a black one to match my outfit.

When I felt done I walked downstairs, "omg Billie you look amazing" my mom smiled, dad nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah if she doesn't like it, she's not worth it you look like a billion dollars" Claudia said coming into the kitchen with Finneas.

"Thanks" I smiled and looked down to the ground.


1 new message:
Miley: I'm outside baby

A light blush came on my cheeks, "she's outside, I'll see y'all later" smiling I waved at them. They all said 'bye' I walked outside to see Miley in a black suit that looks like it costs a lot. She looks so hot.

She was leaning on her car, with her phone in her hands. When I closed the door she looked up at me and smiled. She put her phone down and walked to me.

"You look so beautiful love" both of her hands went on my waist. "You too" my hands went around her neck, for the first time I saw blush coming from her cheeks.

Did I just make her blush?

She peaked my lips and lead me to the car. This is the car I saw that day. She opened the car door for me and I got inside. Miley got in the drivers seat and drove to who knows where.

"so where are we going?" Her hand went on my thigh as she started to speak. "I said it's a surprise so you can wait 15 more minutes" she stroke my leg.


We arrived at this fancy restaurant. She got out of the car and opened my door. "M'lady" she smiled and took her hand out for me. I grabbed her hand and we walked inside.

The waitress got us our table and handed us our menu, this restaurant are filled with rich people

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The waitress got us our table and handed us our menu, this restaurant are filled with rich people. "What are you getting?" I didn't even need to look up to see that she was smiling. "A vegan pizza I think"

"We could just get a big one and share that one" Nodding my head I looked at the drinks.


The other drinks were just to fancy for me to even know what they were. "Are the ladies ready to take there order?" The waitress drew a line on his paper.
"Yeah one large vegan pizza and I'll just take some lemonade" Miley looked gorgeous, but since when has she not?

"And what drink can I get you?" He smiled at me. He was about 6'3, brown fluffy hair, "I'll also take a lemonade thank you" I smiled. He wrote it down, took our menus and went back.

"You look stunning princess" I played with my rings and gave her a smile, "you think so?" One of her hands went under her chin as she looked at me. "Most beautiful person I know"

My cheeks were probably bright red, and I couldn't stop smiling. We made small talk for a bit and I feel so connected to her, like I need her in my life. I need her.

Not long after our food came and it looked delicious. We both took one pizza slice, as soon as I took one bite I couldn't help but let out a moan at the taste.

"This is some good pizza"

"I agree" She said with my mouth full of pizza. We continued eating and talking. I know she's my person and I hope she feels like I'm her person.

And I haven't really thought about it but I'm on a date with a fucking mafia leader who wants to take down my gang. Or wants? They did take it down.

The pizza was gone in no time, same with the lemonade. We payed and now we're sitting in her car. The clock showed that the time was 10:34.

We're we really in there for that long. "I had a lot of fun today" she started the car, "I did too" I intertwined our fingers.

"Do you want me to drive you home, or do you wanna go to my place?" Play your cards right now Billie, you could get dick tonight!

I cleared my throat, "I could just go to yours" she smiled and gave my hand a little squeeze.

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