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Third persons pov~

Maggie stormed into her and Patrick's shared bedroom. Patrick was sitting on the bed, looking through a magazine. "What's wrong?" He asked looking up from his magazine.

"Miley has fucking brainwashed Billie"

"Maggie why would you say something like that? You can see how happy Billie is, she hasn't been that happy since she was 8." Patrick rolled his eyes.

"Well then why is she being like this?" Maggie felt frustrated, "maybe it's because we hid it for her for this long?" Maggie sighed, but she didn't say a word after that.

She made herself ready for bed and got under the covers, falling asleep as fast as possible. Patrick didn't know what had happened, but he was sure that Miley hasn't done anything to hurt Billie.

He sighed and placed the magazine on the nightstand and got under the overs with Maggie. He knew from the moment they decided to hid this from Billie, she wasn't going to be happy when she found out.

Meanwhile in the room upstairs, after Maggie left the couple didn't say anything to each other. Billie continued to eat her burrito watching the office, while Miley was on her phone.

It wasn't because they didn't want to talk to each other, they love talking to each other. They just needed some time to process what had just happened.

Billie was wondering if she could kick them out, after she found out that they had lied to her, her whole childhood she didn't want them near. She didn't know if she could trust them.

Miley was wondering what she was going to do. With a girlfriend who wants them away, and knowing that if they get out they can tell the cops and she will be put in jail. She knew the only options was ether to have them here or to kill them. But she thought it was a little to far to kill her girlfriends parents.

But Miley sat still on one thing Billie said. That she was her master. They hadn't discussed their relationship under sex, or what kinks Billie had. Miley just did what she knew Billie would like.

But if there was something more, she didn't know. She knew one thing though. Billie's a kinky person. From the start, and how much Billie thinks about sex it's incredible.

Billie on the other hand was still thinking about what she wanted to do to her mother. She knew that if she just whined a little bit she could get everything she wanted out of Miley.

Maggie was her mother after all. But right now it didn't feel like it. It may or may not seem as such a big deal, but for Billie it was.

Being lied to her whole childhood, thinking she knew everything about her parents and her family. But clearly she didn't.

The couple just sat there in slice, Miley's dick was still deep inside Billie, she felt everything. Every move Billie took, and when she laughed at the show, cuz that's when she clenched around her.

Billie felt the need to do something to her family, to take revenge. But she didn't know if she had the heart to. Finneas was her best friend, same with Drew and Zoe. Maggie and Patrick was her partners. How could she harm them?

But she still felt the need to do something, a tiny voice in her head kept repeating kill them in her head. But isn't that to much? She tried to shake it of but the voice didn't stop, it still was there.


Billie sighed and leaned more into her lovers chest. "Yes princess?" Miley laid down her phone, wrapping both arms around Billie.

"I have this voice in my head telling me to kill my parents, is that to much?" Miley sighed. She didn't know. She wasn't in Billies position right now, she didn't know how much Billie was hurt or not.

"That's up to you, but don't you think it's a little bit to far?"

"I do, but the voice is still there" Billie sighed, "tell me if it gets worse okey?" Billie nodded, a light kiss being placed on her forehead.

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