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"You knew they were watching us right?" I said as she untied the handcuffs, "I know" she put them in the box, kissing my forehead she got up at put it away.

"Can we just sleep now and clean up tomorrow?" I asked once I saw that she walked to the bathroom. Minutes later she came back again.

Miley got under the covers with me and pulled me into her. My arms wrapped themselves around her and hers did the same.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked and played with her hair. She looked me into the eyes, with a small smirk."I don't know yet, do you have any ideas?"

"My idea is just sending them to the basement but that's to easy."  "I know Enya has a plan on killing you, and Amalie wants to fuck you" Miley blurred out,

"she what?"

"That night when we fucked in the living room, she thought out a plan to kill you. And that she wanted to see your blood on her fingers." I was in pure shock. I knew she didn't like me, but this?

Oh god she's up for it now. I'm gonna fucking kill her.

"How about we tie them to chairs and put them in our room and then kill them here, since they obviously are so interested in our room" I stoped playing with her hair, letting my hand rest on top of her.

"You sound like you have something to add to your idea" she chuckled, hands going down to my ass. "I do actually" I smirked and gave her a quick kiss.

"What about I only wear a hoodie, no pants, no bra, no underwear. We place them in front of the bed, and I'm sitting in your lap, your hands are all around me. And I'm holding a gun, so I can shoot them"

"Is that just to annoy Enya?"


"Have you ever killed someone?"

"Yeah many times, I was in a gang remember?"

"I like the sound of your idea, is your plan just to shoot them or something more? You sound like you've got it all planed out"

"When I first have them where I want, I'm of course going to have some fun" I smirked, she smirked back at me before bringing me into another kiss.

Our tongues move in sync, her hands giving my ass a light squeeze. I moaned into the kiss, as she exploded every part of my mouth.

Her hands moved in between my legs, rising higher and higher. "Im still sore"I broke the kiss. "That's fine, let's just cuddle"


We took both Enya and Amalie, they were now sitting on the chairs, in front of our bed. They had a bag over their head, and I'm pretty sure they're still sleeping.

I took off all my clothes except the hoodie, I was still pretty sore so it was a little hard to walk but I did it. Miley sat on the bed in front of them, on her phone. Probably playing some dumb game, she has thousands of those on her phone.

She wore a just a normal black hoodie with black shorts. Her hair was in a bun, and she had a couple rings on her fingers. I grabbed the gun from underneath the couch, yes I know. Don't even say it.

As I made my way to Miley, Amalie slowly woke up. I placed myself on my girlfriends lap, she threw her phone on the other side of the bed, her hands immediately went around me.

We watched them, as Amalie slowly woke up, she started to panic. Her hands tried to get themselves out of the robe on her back. No use.

"HEEELLPPPP" she screamed at the top of her lounges, waking Enya up to. Enya had on handcuffs instead of a robe like Amalie. Only because they are more difficult to get out of.

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