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I rested my head on Miley's shoulder as she continued to feed me strawberries with chocolate. Vegan chocolate of course.

She took a fresh strawberry covered in chocolate to my lips, I took a bite feeling the sweetness from the chocolate and the strawberry.

Miley then took one herself, her perfect lips wrapped around the big strawberry. Some juices spilling down on her lips from the strawberry.

I took my thumb to her lip, and dried it off her lips. My thumb went into my mouth, looking her dead in the eye as I licked my thumb clean.

Her hand went to my hair, and took a piece of hair behind my ear. Her hand gliding through my soft wet hair.

Her eyes never left mine, her lips had a small smile. Miley's hand continued to stroke my hair. The office played in the background, I only had on a t-shirt and a thong.

Miley had on boxers and a t-shirt, both of our hair were wet from the shower we just had. "You tired pretty girl?" I hummed softly, enjoying her touch.

She sat the strawberries on the nightstand, and turned off the lights and the tv. Miley pulled the covers over us, I turned my back to her letting her big spoon me.

Her dick rested between my ass cheeks, her head was on my shoulder. I intertwined our fingers, rubbing her palm with my thumb.

Miley's right hand went under my shirt, finding it's way to my boob. Gently grabbing it, but she just held my boob.

"We should do this more often" I whispered and took my head back to met her shoulder. "And whys that?"

"I like it when you hold my boob like that" I mumbled, Miley chuckled softly. "That's good, I like holding what's mine"

"So that's why you always want to hold me"

"You got me sunshine" she whispered and kissed my cheek. "What's up with all these new petnames?"

"I'm finding out which one you like the most" I giggled softly and closed my eyes, just enjoying her touch.

"Which one do you think I like the most then?"

"I know you love, darling, my love, babydoll, pretty girl, princess, love bug, sweetheart, lovely and so on"

"you forgot one" I whispered, I felt her hot breath on my cheek, "and which one is that princess?"

"Guess first, you've only said it like once"

She took her time thinking about this one, mostly of the pet names she has used them up to 10 times each.

"Oh I know" her nose touched my cheek, and her warm breath was right at my ear. "Mommy's girl" my cheeks flushed, and a light blush came on my cheeks.

I didn't say anything, I just smiled with my eyes closed. "Maybe I should call you that more often then" I hummed, her hand that was holding mine let go of it's grip.

I then felt her hand go up underneath my shirt. Her hand grabbed my other boob, so now both of her hands were holding my boobs.

"Oh god I love boobs"

I snorted and opened my eyes to see her smiling at me, "you have the perfect boobs to, can barely hold one with one hand" she gave them a little squeeze and smirked at me. "I'm glad you like them"

"Oh I just don't like them. Boobs are the best thing in the whole world"

"You want to see them to or?"

"Oh darling you act like I can't see them when I want to, let me just hold them for now. You will know when I want to see them"

I just giggled as she continued to smirk, "sometimes I think you're more in love with my boobs than me" Miley snorted and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you, your boobs is just a bonus"

I turned my face to face her, a smile on her lips. Before I knew it her lips were on mine, kissing me softly.

"My pretty girl" she mumbled and continued giving me kisses. "Let's sleep okey" she gave me a small kiss before we both closed our eyes.

Her hands were still on my boobs. Giving them a small squeeze whenever she felt like it. "I love you" she whispered in my ear. "I love you too"

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