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"Some people just finished training, you're going to tell them where to go and not to go and the rules around here" Miley put Enya's gun in her pocket, taking both arms around me.

"Y-yeah of course boss" Enya stuttered.

I think she's worried about what I said, I just said she had a gun. I didn't say that much at least not for now.

She looked at me with a devilish smirk. "Boss can I talk to you? In privet"

I looked over at Miley, small almost painful smile coming from her mouth. "Yeah sure, just be by my office in 5 minutes" with that Enya walked away. Still fucking smirking at me.

Why the fuck dose she need to talk to Miley in private?

"What the fuck" I whisper under my breath as I watched her walk away. Her hand went into my hair making it a ponytail.

"Did she tell you something while I wasn't here?" Miley was so serious about this it almost scarred me. Almost.

"She just wanted me to help her with something" she only hummed and let go of my hair. I cupped both of her cheeks bringing her in for a small kiss.

"What do you think she's going to say?"

"I don't know, I'll tell you later okey?" She kissed me again before she walked upstairs to Enya. I huffed before I went to the pantry to get some snacks.

Maybe I can talk to Storm I haven't talked to him in a while. I took out some takis before I went to the living room to see Storm and Lizzy in his lap.

"Hey" I smiled and sat down on the couch. "Hello Billie how are you?" He smiled and stroke his cat. "I'm great, how are you?" I lied right through my teeth. I'm not great when I don't know what their talking about.

"Im okey I guess"

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I gave him a worried look even though I didn't care at alllll. I just need something to do, and if he needs to rant go on.

"I just feel so alone, Enya is all up trying to impress Miley, Atlas is no where to be seen, and Miley doesn't hang out with us as she used to. We used to be a gang all four of us. Now she's just mean all the time"

She's not mean to me but I get what he's saying. "I can't really tell you much but what I can tell you is that she's super stressed. But I think that when she calms down she'll be here again before you know it" I smiled.

He looked down at his brown cat, his cat had fallen asleep on his lap. "I hope so, do you wanna watch a movie?" He looked at me with smiley eyes.

"Yeah sure" there is nothing I want to do less, fuck meeeeee. 

He found a movie on Disney+ and we started to watch it. I couldn't even focus on the movie, this shit is boring ass hell.


"There you are darling"

I woke up by someone lifting me up and carrying me down the hall. I didn't open my eyes because I already knew it was Miley. How did I know? Well the person smells like Miley and who else would have pick me up?

The light was way brighter in the corridor than the living room. My eyes squished together trying to get it dark again, in frustration from it not working I hid my face in Miley's chest.

She smells so good, well that didn't sound creepy at all.

We got to our room which wasn't so bright since the lights were on red. She laid me down on the bed and started to take off my clothes and changing them to pajamas.

She wiped off the light makeup I had on with a makeup wipe, before she did my skin care routine. She really dose my skincare for me when I'm sleepy.

After she finished, she got herself ready for bed and not soon enough she joined me in bed. I wrapped both of my arms around her as she did the same.

Our legs tangled together. One of her hands stroke my hair, while the other hand was on my waist holding me into her.

I pressed my face against her neck, "did you have fun with Storm?" She whispered and kissed the top of my head. "Mhmm" I hummed.

"Good night darling"

"Good night love"

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