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Third persons pov:

After Miley killed Maggie, she left her in her office for some of the people that work for her to clean up. She took a warm shower, and took her hair in a bun at the top of her head.

Billie didn't do much when Miley was gone, she simply just stayed on the couch and watched cartoons. She was waiting impatiently, she knew Miley would do something to her after she pulled her stunt and she couldn't wait.

But that was some hours ago.

The couple now finds themselves on the bed. Billie is tied up from head to toe. With cuffs on both of her arms, on her feet, and a blindfold over her eyes.

Miley has been teasing her for hours, edging her, touching her everywhere except where she needed her. Billie knew how she could get what she wanted faster, but Billie didn't like begging that much. And she enjoyed this a little to much. So she hasn't done it yet, but she thinks she has to soon. The wetness in between her legs are unbearable, she's so horny it hurts.

The older girl stepped out of the bed, leaving a whimpering mess behind her. She got into the closet and pulled out a box behind some shoes.

The box was black, with some small details on it. Inside she had a lot of toys. But not children's toys. Her hand glided through the toys inside, before she took out a knife.

The knife was sharp and blank. With a red and black handle. Perfect. She thought before walking out of the closet to her tied up lover.

Billie felt the bed dip and a cold hand on her stomach. She let out a whimper, and tugged on the cuffs. "Say the safe word of you need to okey love" "yes master" Miley smiled of approval and leaned forward to connect their lips in a sweet kiss.

"Good girl" Miley stood up again and sat on her lovers stomach. She took the knife in her right hand, and made a small cut underneath Billie's left boob.

The blue eyed girl gasped at the sharp object, pulling more on the cuffs. It didn't help that she couldn't see what's going on, so she didn't know her lovers next move.

Miley took her tongue to the cut, and licked the blood. Feeling the sweet metallic taste on in her mouth. She moved down a little and made a similar cut on her stomach.

Digging the knife a little deeper this time, "oh fuck" Billie mumbled, she felt the sharp cold object digging into her skin.

Miley got off Billie, looking down at her from the end of the bed. Looking at Billie's thigh, which was full of hickeys from the teasing she had been now doing for hours.

Taking the knife again she slowly started to write 'Miley' on Billie's thigh. Billie shivered every time the knife made contact with her skin, whimpering a little.

"Please master, I can't take more teasing" Billie whimpered, Miley only chuckled, watching the girl underneath her shiver.

Miley took the knife and laid it beside the bed on the floor. Her fingers tracing over the sweet cut on Billie's thigh, making Billie whine.

"Just fucking fuck me" Billie pulled the cuffs, and tried to rub her legs together but beings stopped by the cuffs.

"Since you asked so nicely" Miley came over to her again, kissing both of her cheeks before she gave her one kiss on the lips.

The smaller girl gasped as she felt the head of her masters cock in between her pussy lips. But that was it. Miley didn't go more inside Billie then that.

She grabbed the collar from the nightstand. She took one hand around Billie's throat, giving it a light squeeze.

Using the other hand she took the collar underneath the neck of the girl underneath her. Once that was done she took away her hand and connected the ends of the collar.

Billie felt the cold leather collar on her neck, her head fell back into the pillow. Miley's hand glided over the collar, down to Billie's breasts giving them a light squeeze.

"Please mommy, fuck me" Billie pulled on the cuffs again, a whimper leaving her lips. "How do you want me to fuck you then darling?"

"How you want I don't g-give a fuck just make me cum"

Billie gasped with a loud moan as she felt Miley push all of herself inside of her, the blue eyed girl's eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The trusts were deep and slow, the bed hit the wall with a slam every time. Billie's vagina felt like it was on fire, her back arched and louder moans became to come out of her.

Both of Miley's hands went on Billie's waist, she let her head rest on Billie's chest while she slammed herself into her lover.

She felt the blue eyed girl's hot, wet pussy clenching around her. Miley let out a moan while her hands traveled up Billie's body.

She took both of her hands on Billie's sides, gliding up to her wrists. Her face was above Billie's, and she crashed their lips together in a messy kiss.

The blond could feel the other girl hold her wrists, while she slammed into her. Billie's legs started to shake, and she couldn't stop moaning into the kiss.

"I-I'm gonna c-cum" Billie let out a loud gasp as Miley hit a spot she didn't know she had. Her back arched and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Me too slut, me too" she whispered in Billie's ear. The green eyed girl continued to hit that spot that made Billie scream. She screamed even more the more she hit that spot.

With one last slam they both came at the same time. Miley collapsed on the smaller girl, breathing heavily. Her hair was stuck to her forehead, and she was so sweaty.

She laid her head in Billie's neck while her hands worked to take off Billie's cuffs. Once both of the handcuffs were off Billie took off the blindfold.

She turned her head, giving her lover a sweet kiss on the sweaty cheek. They were both panting, and breathing heavily.

"Let's get you cleaned up" Miley whispered but stayed in the same spot. "Only if we can do one thing tomorrow" Miley sighed and took her head up to look at Billie. "What would that be?"

"If you tell me exactly what you know about my family, and then we can kill them"

"I'll tell you after we have cleaned you up, and I was planing on killing them tomorrow anyways"

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