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We arrived at her place, and it's just an apartment some blocks down from my street. I like it, it's cozy. "I don't really live her on a daily basis, I live more in the mansion so it's not that impressive" she giggled.

I hummed and walked around, she had a soft ass sofa. "Do you want some clothes?" "Yeah that would be nice" she took my hand and showed me the way to her room.

Her room had a queen sized bed, a nightstand, a desk, and a closet filled with clothes. "Take what you want" she kissed the top of my head and went out of the room.

Looking through her clothes I picked out a black hoodie, with some black sweatpants. I took off my makeup and changed.

Her clothes smelled just as good as her. Wow I've really turned into a bottom, I thought while I walked downstairs to see her beautiful ass.

She was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Netflix. Her outfit had changed so she wore a t-shirt and some sweatpants, I took a seat beside her. "I thought we talked about this" she rolled her eyes and opened her arms. I got up again and sat down on her lap.

"That's better" she wrapped her arms around me. Handing me the remote so I could choose. I didn't know what to pick so I put on a random scary movie, those are always good.

Her arms took both of my legs on the sofa, so she was holding me in bride style kinda. She looked at me with a smile. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" FINALLYYYY.

I gulped hard, why? Idk. My cheeks heat up, I couldn't form a word. So I just nodded my head. "Why are you so nervous, babydoll?" Her face for closer to mine. So close that her nose touched mine. "Is it that hard to speak, doll?"

Her fingers went through my hair, I just looked at her. I couldn't speak. What's happening? Am I really That nervous?


"I-I have no idea"

"Oh really?"

Her hand made its way to my throat, her mouth was now inches away from mine. I took my hands around her neck, to try to pull me closer.

We were so close, but not close enough to kiss. "I think you know, tell mommy what you want" waterfall


How did I get the courage to say that? I have no idea, or I should really not worry about this. She's my girlfriend anyway.

Her lips finally met mine, her lips are so soft. She let go of my legs and brought her hand to my waist to bring me closer. If that's even possible.

Since my legs were free I shifted my position so my ass was completely over her dick. One leg on ether side of her body,  I started to grind and this time she didn't stop me.

I moaned into the kiss, our tongues fought for dominance. Of course she won. The hand on my waist went down to my ass, she gave it a little squeeze and with that I moaned again.

Breaking the kiss she started to kiss me down from my jawline. I tilted my head back to give her more access. My girlfriend sucked, bit, licked all over my neck.

She tugged at my hoodie as a sign for me to take it off. In one motion it was off laying on the floor. Now I was left in a black lace bra. "You're so beautiful" both of her hands went all over my body.

Miley kissed all over my collarbone, leaving many hickeys. I threw my head back, a small moan coming from my lips. I closed my eyes and focused on her touch.

"Can I take this off?" She whispered and kissed my jawline. "Please" with that my bra was uncliped and thrown at the floor.

Wasting no time she took her mouth on my right nipple, and sucked hard. Her other hand went to my other boob giving it a light squeeze. My fingers went from her neck to curl themselves in her hair, keeping her in place.

When she switched to suck on my other boob I could see the dark hickey around my nipple. Switching she gave my other boob the same attention. While her right hand went to my boob she just sucked on.

My pussy is throbbing at this point, I don't think I've ever been this wet. Her rock hard cock in between my asscheeks didn't help ether.

"Please just fuck me already" I whined and tightened my grip on her hair. "Only since you asked so nicely" she smirked, in one motion she threw me back on the couch, and hovered over me.

She pulled down my pants almost painfully slow, once my pants finally were off she started to rub her fingers on my clothed clit.

I grabbed her t-shirt showing her I want it off. The brownhaired girl stopped with her motions and took off her t-shirt, and throwing off her sports bra at the same time.

She then came over me again, my fingers traced around her body. Over all of her tattoos, giving her titts a light squeeze. "Mmmm fuck" she rested her head on my shoulder and started to kiss me again.

"Stop the teasing and fuck me"

Leaving one last kiss she took off her sweatpants and boxers. Her 12 inch sprang free. Oh yes, this is gonna be good.

Her cock was full of veins, it looked like it was going to explode. Precum leaked from the top, I licked my lips. She pulled my thong off with her teeth. She's so sexy.

Leaving it on the floor she hovered over me again. Teasing me by only taking the tip in. Letting out a small moan she kissed my lips.

"Fuck me" I whined, the tip only going around my pussy lips. A big smirk on her lips "beg"

"Fuck me mommy, show me no mercy, treat me like a fucking toy...use me."

Her smirk only grew wider as she pushed 1 inch in. "mmm"

Another inch came inside not long after, "ahhh"

With one last slam all 12 inches were inside me. Throwing my head back, and letting out a loud scream. This is better than what I imagined, I can feel her all the way into my stomach.

She rested her head on my shoulder, a moan coming from her lips to. She was going slow first but soon picked up paste and fucked me fast and hard.

My nails scratched her back, "you feel so good around me doll" I couldn't even answer, all I could do was letting out a little scream.


She got up and started to slam into me, not faster just harder. This girl knows how to fuck.

"I'm gonna-" I was cut off by my own scream, "M-me to, do you want me to pull out?" She grabbed my neck and slammed more and more into me. "N-no, I'm on t-the pill"

"Be a good girl and don't cum until I say so"

"I-I can't hold it m-much longer"

"Cum on three okey?" She started to go rougher, my back arched causing her to hit all the right spots.
"M-MOMMY" my eyes rolled into the back of my head.



I let out the loudest moan ever, wrapping my legs around her waist. My nails scratched her back leaving red marks all over.


We both moaned loudly and cummed. Her hot load felt so good inside me, so warm. I breathed heavily locking my legs even more, I didn't want her to pull out. Not at all.

"Round 2?"

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now