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"Are you ready for a new chapter in your life?"


"I am" I smiled, we got out of the car, the room underground was white, and most of the cars were black. I liked the vibe here.

Miley took my hand and started walking, "what about the bags?" I looked back at the car, all my stuff is there.

She looked at me with a smile, "we have people that take the bags Love" a light blush came on my cheeks, she just chuckled and we walked into an elevator.

The elevator was actually pretty big, you could fit 30 people in this. All the 8 floors were lined up, she pressed the 2 floor button. "You need to met everyone important before they take you hostage"


"I once took someone here and I didn't introduce them so someone shot them, their dead now though, they got shot the same night" I was shocked, why? I'm in a fucking mafia house why am I surprised.

"Do they know you're here?" She took her arms around my waist, "when I put my fingerprint in they got a notification" I laid down on her chest, feeling her warmth stream trough my body.

The elevator door opened, she kissed the top of my head before we walked inside. I held her hand tight, I'm not letting this hand go what the fuck.

We walked into the house, we walked into the living room, about 5 people stood here, 4 boys and 1 girl. "This is Atlas" he had blond hair, a middle part to be exact, he had small lips and looked like he was a whole ass fuck boy. A light smirk on his lips.

"This is Storm" this boy had brown curly hair, he was a darker skin tone than Atlas, a bright smile on his lips. His eyes were brown, and he had a cat in his lap.

"That's Lake" he was a ginger with a lot of freckles, his hair was to his ear, a piercing in his nose, he had a weird hoodie on, it looked uncomfortable.

"And this is Enya" Enya didn't even look at me, everyone else looked at me, she just looked at Miley with a smile. She had long brown hair with bangs, green eyes but not near as close to as pretty as Miley's.

"And this is Billie, my girlfriend" Enya gave me a small smile after she rolled her eyes. "Nice to met you billie" Storm smiled, I didn't smile I just gave them a resting bitch face.

"I just wanna say that I like how productive you all are being" Miley chuckled, they all looked at each other. "We we're working but then Enya said you were coming" Atlas said.

"Better be" we walked out of there and she gave me a tour of the house.


"And then this is our bedroom" she had showed me everything and this place is massive. Our bedroom looked amazing, it's also the biggest room in the house.

We had a king sized bed, led lights that went around the whole room, a big ass tv, our own big ass couch, a closet that we're filled with clothes, and our bags were already on the floor.

I went to check out the closet, all sorts of hoodies, pants, jewelry, shoes, socks, underwear, everything you could imagine.

As I was looking through everything I felt arms wrap around me. "Are you sure about this?" Miley asked and held me tighter. "Sure about what?" I leaned back into her.

"About being here, I don't want you to get hurt"

"I'm not getting hurt okey, I was in a gang before I've basically done this before, it's just bigger here" I sighed and played with my rings. "Just making sure, I have something for you" she took my hand and lead me out of the closet into our bedroom again.

She took out 2 bracelets, they were all black, with a little box on it?

"It's like a love bracelet, each time you tap here..." she tapped the little box on one of them, the other started to vibrate. "The other one starts to vibrate, normally people use these in long distance relationships. But I want you to tap there every time you feel unsafe when I'm not around, if someone's touching you that's not me or yourself obviously"

She started to take the bracelet on my left hand. "Or if you just want me to get you out of a certain situation" she finished taking the bracelet on me. And started to take the other one on her left hand. "Can you do that for me?" "Mhmm" I hummed and put my arms around her neck bringing her in for a kiss.

She responded with lifting my thighs making me wrap my legs around her. We continued to kiss as she sat down, breaking the kiss she started to kiss me down my neck. Leaving a trail of hickeys.

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