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Miley walked to our room, her dick still deep in me. I hope Enya got the fucking message, I'm so tired of that bitch.

Miley got to the stairs, every step her dick went in and out of me. Oh fuck yes. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and a low moan coming from my mouth.

Her hands on my thighs, I've always said that the stairs are to long, but now I'm glad they are so long. Another moan came from my lips, but sadly that was the last step.

She walked down the hall into our room, locking the door she laid me down on the bed. I put both of my legs around her waist, not letting her pull out.

"Babydoll we need to sleep"

Ignoring her I started to move, feeling her grow inside me. I did this until she was fully hard. "If that's how it is" she lifted me up again, sat down on the bed so I was in her lap.

"If you want it so bad, do the work and you maybe get a reward after" she smirked and took some of  my hair between her fingers and played with it.


She slowly started to ride me, her wet cunt around me feels as good as always. She went faster and faster, throwing her head back.

I pulled off her hoodie, seeing that she didn't wear a bra. Taking one boob into my mouth, while I played with the other one with my fingers.

A loud moan escaping her lips, I sucked on her boobs. Both of her hands went into my hair, pulling tighter.

I moaned around her tits, switching I put the other one in my mouth giving it the same attention as the other one. "mmmmm mommmyyyy" Billie moaned.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she clenched around me. "Such a good girl" I let go of her boob gliding my hands down her body.

Down to her skirt, she looks so sexy in skirts.

My hands went underneath her skirt griping her ass, I heard her gasp, I stared to help her and slammed myself more into her.

Looking up I saw her mouth wide open, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Fuck mommy" I continued to slam into her, feeling her clench more and more.

"fuckkkk I'm gonnaaa C-CUM" a loud moan coming right after, "Are you gonna let mommy cum in you?" Her grip on my hair tightened, as she let out a shaky breath.

"Y-you need to s-stop asking eVERY TIMEE. Just cum in me for fucks sake" her eyes rolled back again, I moaned and held her ass tighter.

"Go on doll. Cum."

A loud moan came from her lips, as she came. I came right after, my hot load shooting inside her.

She collapsed in my arms, breathing heavily. I stroke her hair with my fingers, letting her calm down. We sat there in silence for some time.

"Let's get you a warm bath" she didn't respond she just wrapped herself more into me. Cutie. I got up with her in my arms to the master bathroom.

When I opened the door I pulled out of her, getting a low groan in response. I sat her down on the toilet so she could do her thing.

I started a bath for her, letting the warm water fill the bathtub. I put in some bubble soap letting the bubbles form in the bathtub.

Looking over at Billie she was done on the toilet and washing her hands. The bathtub filled up so I turned off the water feeling the water at the perfect temperature.

"Can you go in with me?"

"Of course darling" we both undressed and got into the bathtub. She sat quietly on my lap, while I played with her hair.

"You said I would get a reword" she closed her eyes, "you can get it tomorrow" my fingers glided through her soft blond hair. "Well what is it" Billie sighed, a smile coming after. "you will see tomorrow"

And just like that we sat in silence, for a good 15 minutes. Just appreciating each other's company.

I took some shampoo in my hand and massaged it into her hair, washing it softly out after that I put some conditioner in her hair.

I washed it out of her hair, "let me wash yours to" she got up and put some shampoo in her hand. She started to slowly massage it into my hair.

After she pushed my head under water. I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe, water filled my nose. I pulled my head up again gasping for air. She laughed her ass off. "You almost drowned me" she just continued laughing. Water started to run out of my nose, and my ears felt weird.

I found the conditioner and handed it to her. "I had to wash it out okey" she giggled, "you could have fucking warned me, now my eyes are full of soap."

Billie ignored me and put the conditioner in my hair, slowly going through it. "I'm sorry baby" she put her forehead against mine, "you better be" I peaked her lips while she continued.

"I'm gonna wash it out now" "thanks for the warning" I giggled and let her wash it out. She worked her hand through my hair.

"Let's go to bed"

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now