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I've been sitting in her lap for about 2 hours, it's almost painfully quiet. My pussy isn't helping ether, I feel myself clenching around her from time to time.

Gladly she hasn't said anything about it, probably cuz I can't fucking control it. Her left hand are currently on my waist holding me in place.

I want her to fuck me so bad.

I think she finished her work because she let down the pen and stood up with me still in her arms. Her hoodie was so big that you couldn't see her dick in me.

I didn't say a word, she walked out of her office and locked the door then headed to our room. Still a lot of people walking past, everyone in the same uniform.

I griped her tighter, clinging into her. Her hands griped my thighs, and for what seemed to be forever we reached our room.

She locked the door behind us and sat down on the bed. She cupped both of my cheeks, giving me a sweet kiss. "Sorry if I was harsh or something, I guess I just was really stressed"

"It's okey" my hand flew to my mouth, I still don't know if I can talk. She only giggled and took my hand away from my mouth.

"Don't be like that, talk all you want, move all you want" she held my hand. "Do you really think I'm a slut?" She smiled a little, "you're my slut, that's different than actually being a slut. If someone else call you that you can beat the shit out of them"

We both giggled, "but can you tell me what that was about" she became serious for a second before she smiled again. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, not even Storm and Atlas okey?" I nodded repeatedly.

"Okey" she smiled and took one hand under my chin. "What I need is like a small crystal, it's not bigger than 3 inches maybe. But that crystal has powers kinda."

"Like superpowers?"

"Kinda, it can give you powers and is just very powerful itself. And for it to work you need two pieces and I already have one of them. I got it that day we went up here"

"So it's like a puzzle?"

"Kinda, you need both of them for ether one of them to work, no one knows why it's so important, except Lake that's getting it and now you" she stroke my chin.

"But like what do you need them to?" She sighed and a smile appeared on her lips, "I already have these kind of powers so I don't need it, I was thinking maybe you could get them?"


"Wait. Wait. Wait. You have powers?" She nodded her head, "what kind of powers?"

"I can read people's thoughts" she smirked. Fuck you. "Hey! No need to be mad at me" I just rolled my eyes. "Something else?"


"And with that thing I'll get the same?" She hummed and stroke my hair.

You can suck my dick.

"You can suck mine" Miley smirked, "STOP READING MY THOUGHTS" I whined. She let out a loud laugh. "But it's so fun, exactly when we first met. I wonder how long her dick is, if it has veins, god she's so hot, why's Miley sitting with her, if only she put me in her lap, oh god I hope she fucks me" she mocked me.

My cheeks became bright red as she just continued to laugh. I rested my head on her chest not looking up at her, "you weren't supposed to know those things" I mumbled.

"But you were so cute, and jealous since day one" I heard her giggle. "Yeah but you are hot and everyone talked about you fucking them, I didn't want to share, still don't. You only fuck me" I played with her hairs in the back of her neck.

"And don't talk like you don't get jealous when I'm with Atlas" "I do not" Miley cleared her throat. "Why do you always become super clingy when I'm with him then? You always kiss me when I'm with him"

"Like you don't like it" she huffed, "I didn't say that, I said you get jealous to" "okey fine, I do" I smiled and gave her a long kiss.

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