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Another long one, stay horny my friends<3


"Teach you how to fucking behave"...

My breath hitched in my throat, her lips formed a smirk when she noticed how nervous I was. Miley let go of the collar, making me fall back a little.

She looked around to the other collars, "you're not hiding anything more are you doll?" I shook my head, making my hair fall on my shoulders.

"If I find out you're lying to me" the smirk on her lips grew wider. "You're gonna regret it so much, I promise you that"

"I-I'm not lying m-mommy"

She stood up again, I looked up at her. Her smirk still hasn't left her lips. "Stand up" I slowly stood up beside her.

I've never felt like I was small and tiny but beside her, she's like a fucking giant. Even though she's just a few inches taller than me.

She slowly played with the chain on my collar. It felt like a heartbeat was formed inside my underwear. I'm so fucking turned on it hurts.

"Why did you lie to me doll?"

"I-I don't k-know" I was still, in a matter of fact very nervous. Her eyes didn't tell me anything of what she was going to do or how she was going to do it. It was totally blank.

"You know" her hand took a piece of hair behind my ear. "You shouldn't lie to me" her hand made a form grip on my hair.

"I-I'm sorry"

"Oh you will be" she pulled my hair roughly and kissed me. It wasn't like a sweet, slow, romantic kiss. This one was dominated, and full of anger.

Our tongues dances together fighting for dominance. It was on my hand not successful, at this point I shouldn't even have tried.

She broke the kiss and took her other hand around my neck. "When I get back, I want you on the bed. Fucking naked. And if you dare to touch yourself, oh you're getting it worse then what it already is"

She let go of my neck and hair, she took the blue collar in her hand and walked out of our room. I started to undress myself, laying every piece of clothing I had on the couch.

Once I pulled off my soaking underwear, I laid down on the bed. She didn't say anything about how she wanted me to lay down so I just laid down on my back.

I looked up into the ceiling, my mind started to think about all the times we've fucked in this bed. Mostly rough times, but sometimes we did just make love to.

Even though it's not what I prefer, I like rough sex much more then soft gentle sex. It's just who I am, Miley likes it better that way to so I'm not complaining.

The door opened, the light from the outside shining through. The lights in the room were red, they are mostly red. I don't know why though.

Miley had something in her hands, but I couldn't see it from the bed. The door closed with a slam, I watched her undress herself to.

Her dick was fully hard, watching it didn't help the tension between my legs. It looked like her abs was shining.

She caught me steering, she didn't say anything. That was the worse part. She almost didn't say anything. But I knew from the way she acted that this was going to be a long night.

"I sometimes think you forget who you are dealing with love"

She made her was to me, now I could finally see what she had in her hand. It was a pair of handcuffs. Fluffy handcuffs. I guess they are not going to make a mark as the other pair we have.

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