
"I love you"

"I love you too" I said with my mouth full of burritos, Miley chuckled and continued to drive, "how about we go to a park or something?" Yeah of course. Miley giggled and drove to a park.

We drove for about 10 minutes, the rain had calmed down but it was still rainy. The time was now 10:30pm, but there surprisingly weren't that many cars on the road.

The park was small, but not so small. I ate the last bit of my burrito before I looked at the park in front of us.

It had a little playground and some benches, "can we just sit on the grass and look at the sky?" "If that's what you want"

She got out of the car and made her was towards me, Miley opened my car door and lifted me up. "The grass is probably wet though" "I'll just sit on your lap, I don't care" I shrugged, she just rolled her eyes. Although she smiled a little.

She sat down in the middle of the park, on the wet grass. I was sitting on her lap so I didn't get wet, but she did. Shahahahah looser.

Her arms were wrapped around me, her chin resting on my shoulder, as we watched the empty park. There was a little puddle to the left, and a duck with baby ducks.

"It's like a little family" I smiled, "indeed" Miley's cold hands went under my hoodie, holding me by my waist.

"Do you want to have a family sometime?"

"I don't really like kids, I don't know" She whispered, we continued watching the ducks swim in the pond. "If I wanted to have kids with you in the future would you say yes?"

"That depends, I don't want kids. Never have, and I don't like the thought of something else inside you" I giggled at her words.

"That would just be nine months of you being in pain, then more pain giving birth, and then you have this annoying creature around you all the time"

"I guess you're right"

"What about you? Do you want kids?" I took a breath before answering. Feeling the cold air in my lounges. "Maybe, I'm to young to have kids now. But if you're willing to it in the future then maybe"

"If we ever have kids, it's not going to be in 20 years or so. Especially with all the shit going on right now" Miley sighed, and left a kiss on my cheek.

"What's going on right now? You haven't told me" her grip around me tightened, she looked around to see if she saw anyone.

-I'm not saying this out loud because you never know, but we have been taking down many gangs, and we are currently selling all the people that don't want to work for us. And our drug production has gone up, so now we produce more then what we did before and sell more and then get more money. And since Atlas is taking a brake from everything for a while and both Amalie and Enya are dead we need more people up there. So some more people are going to be around. I don't know if I want them to but I've seen on Storms health that he needs someone there since Lake is working his ass off-

That's a lot of shit

-there's more, but we can talk about it later-

I nodded my head and rested more into her. The rain pored down on us, my hair was soaking wet, same with Miley's.

"How about we go home, take a hot shower, and eat strawberries with chocolate and watch whatever you want?" Miley smiled.

"That would be nice"

She lifted me up and carried me to the car. "My ass is wet now, thanks so much Eilish" I snorted as she sat me down in the passenger seat. "Oh you love me" I said and put my seat belt on.

"Lucky for you I do" she closed the car door and got to her side. Miley started the car, putting one hand in my thigh.

The drive home wasn't to long, but it wasn't short ether. The rain had calmed down but there was still some drops in the air.

"Did you know Zoe and Drew were in a gang?" It was like my eyes popped out of my head, my eye brows furred together.

"No I didn't"

"They are some of the people that will be joining us, just thought you wanted to know" a smile came on my face, I've missed my friends. "When do will they arrive?"


So it's Friday today, god I'm exited to see them. "Who else will be joining?" Her grip on my thigh tightened, "one girl and one boy" it was like she was hiding something."Give me the names"

"Finneas and Claudia"


"They were in a different gang but we took that one down to, they doesn't know that you're here, same with Zoe and Drew"

"If you tell me my mom and dad were to"



"You're in a Family of criminals Darling, it's in your blood. Probably why you didn't hesitate when you wanted to kill Enya and Amalie, and with your powers you can be more dangerous then what you think"

"Can I tell them I have them?"

"Only if it's only them, and that they doesn't snitch"

"Are mom and dad coming to us to?"

"They're with my dad and brother right now, but when my dad comes they will come to, my brother doesn't know shit about this so"

I saw the mansion in front of us, Miley took in her fingerprint and the door opened. The garden lady had gotten to bed, same with the other people that work here.

"Come on my love"

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now