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"So Maggie" I sat down on my chair again, folding my arms and leaned back into my chair. She roller her eyes and looked at me. "You don't deserve Billie and it's obvious"

"Why? Because I make her happy? Make sure of that she's never hurt? Treats her like the queen she is? Gives her whatever the fuck she wants?"

"You're using her."

"I'm not, but do you wanna know something?"

She huffed rolling her eyes again. "After she found out everyone of your perfect little family was in the mafia she, oh she hates all of you"

"No she doesn't."

"She doesn't even want to talk to you"

"I'm Billie's mother, she can't hate me. This is only because you hate me"

"After what you did yes i hate you, but so does she. And she started hating you before she found out about our 'little fight'"


"Well you cut me with one and started punching me because I made sure Billie felt good" I smirked. "'Felt good' bet she fake moans"

"You want me to get her and test that theory of yours?"

"Oh god no" she shook her head, taking both of her hands into her hair. "I'm just saying get the fuck away from my daughter"

"Oh I'm not leaving her, but I have a theory myself. And I think you know something" she raised an eyebrow, "okey?"

I took out a knife from my drawer, and walked over to her and leaned into the other side of my desk. "My precious little baby has voices in her head, telling her to kill you, Patrick, Finneas, Claudia, Zoe and Drew"

She didn't look shocked. This bitch knows something.

"And I think someone, put something in her drink or her food, a poison maybe. And you Maggie" I put the knife under her chin, making her look me in the eyes.

"You love to make food, and then we have Claudia who loves to make poisons. What did you feed her" she gulped, and soon broke eye contact.

"I didn't give her anything"

"I know you did something, if not you know who"

"I'm not telling you" she spat, "did you just spit at me" I made a small cut in her cheek, digging the knife into her cheek. A line of blood slowly slid out of her cheek.

"I guess the spell went wrong anyways, I think you wanted me out but didn't have the balls to do it yourself so you made Claudia make a poison, told Drew she could have Billie after I was gone and then you could take my place"

"H-how did you know?"

"I know everything, and that's the stupidest plan I've ever heard of. But it'll be fun watching you die"

"YOU CANT KILL ME" she stood up but I pushed her down on the chair again, with a smirk on my lips. "I can do whatever the fuck I want. And since you didn't like me having sex with Billie you're lucky I haven't forced you to watch"

I took the knife on the already made cut, digging in deeper. "YOURE SICK. BILLIES GOING TO HATE YOU"

"No. She wants me to kill you. And as the good girlfriend I am, that's what I'm gonna do."

"No no no, my Billie wouldn't want that"

"She isn't your Billie anymore, she's my Billie" I'm so fucking done with her, so I got a gun from under some papers, and pointed it to her heart.

"Any last words"


I giggled, "well your daughter doesn't" with that I pulled the trigger. Blood poured out of her, her eyes soon became blank, her skin started to go pale.

I took two fingers on her pulse, nothing.

Now I just need to take the other bitches. I can't believe they wanted to poison Billie. They should be dead by tomorrow. But I also need to punish Billie for the little stunt she pulled, so I'll do that first then I'll kill them.

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