𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4.

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In the last room there was an entrance in the wall. They just had to figure out how to get up there. Joel looked around before focusing his eyes on Tess.

"Let's see if there's a way through." He positioned himself with his back against the wall and Tess knew immediately what to do. She ran up to him as he boosted her up.

She looked around the room.

"Alright, Makayla let's go." She extended her hand downwards so Makayla could grab onto it. Tess pulled her up and the first supplies Makayla saw was an aid kit. She immediately grabbed it.

"C'mon big guy let's go." Tess said and pulled Joel up. It was obviously harder then pulling Makayla. Joel sure was quite a tall man with loads of muscles.

"Clickers." Makayla notified, hearing the clicking coming from the hallway.

The sound would always send shivers down her spine..

"Up there! We can sneak past them" Tess whispered and they slowly moved forward, staying away from the clickers as much as possible so they could climb up the wooden wall.

They found themselves on the staircase.

The way down was completely blocked. Joel jumped onto the lower pair of stairs looking at the blocking. There was a big metal cabinet. He pulled it back, finding a way through.

"Here you go ladies." He muttered.

"Let's go." Tess told Makayla and they both jumped down as all three of them managed to get through.

After a while they managed to get out of the building without meeting any infected.

They crossed the street seeing a house that was in their way.

"How do we get there?' Tess asked, scanning the situation from further away.

"Come 'ere" Joel pulled Makayla by her waist to him since she was closer than Tess. He boosted her up and she saw a leather, grabbing it and pulling it down with her.

"Alright let's go." Joel said going first.

They could hear them. All the clicking, screaming and screeching.

"There's a bunch of them." Tess said as they made their way closer.

"Let's take them down quietly." Makayla suggested and they agreed. They split up taking them down one by one but there was another screeching coming from further away.

Joel spotted the getaway, running up to it as he worked on getting it open. Makayla and Tess were watching his back, with guns ready in their hands.

"That's good that's good go!" Tess shouted as they were getting closer, Joel held it up so they could crawl through and then they held it open for him so he could do the same.

The infected were trying to grab him but he managed to sneak through just in time.

All three of them stood breathing heavily.

Makayla looked at Joel, "You got something on your shoe."

He frowned looking down only to see a hand stuck to his shoe. With a groan he wiggled his leg to get it off.

The infected started screaming and punching the door.

They now were in another part of the house. It seemed to have multiple floors as they managed to get on the second floor thanks to another ladder that was just laying there.

But the way through was blocked by multiple wooden pallets.

Joel scanned it and got closer, managing to lift it all up to create a way through, "Go, go, go!" He shouted and Tess and Makayla quickly ran through but the pallets broke, blocking the way even more.

"Joel?! Joel!" Tess screamed.

"I'll make my way around you!" He called out and as Makayla and Tess turned around they spotted clickers.

"Run!" She grabbed Makayla by her hand pulling her into the hallway but Makayla stopped, "What are you doing! they're after us, we gotta take them down!"

"Trust me!" Tess screamed and pulled her with her again. This floor was full of them.

They got into one of the rooms as Tess locked the door, it seemed quiet but when they turned around they froze in motion. Runners and clickers were surrounding them.

They hid behind a fallen wardrobe.

"I hope Joel makes it." Tess mumbled and Makayla didn't answer. She was sure he would make it by the way he fights and shoots. He's good. Really good.

They slowly walked to the other side of the room,trying to be quiet as possible when Tess stepped on glass and the sound echoed through the room. All the clickers became alerted as they noticed them, running after them.

Tess and Makayla started sprinting down the hallway when Makayla heard Tess scream.

She turned around only to see Tess struggling in the grasp of two clickers.

Makayla shot them and Tess fell to the ground,exhausted from fighting them.

They kept running until they got to the last room, running inside and closing the door behind them but this room wasn't empty either. They stood face to face with a bunch of infected as they started fighting them off.

"Tess?!" They heard Joel call from the outside. Makayla had shot her last one, blood was all over her as Joel barged into the room and helped Tess with the actual last infected, grabbing him off of her and beating his face with a crowbar.

All three of them stood in a circle breathing heavily. Joel noticed Makayla looking at him. She noticed he was also covered in blood, must have taken rid of a lot of them to get here.

She turned around, dodging his eye contact as quickly as possible when she noticed an open window, "That could get us to the roof." She spoke and went to check it out.

Joel looked at Tess. She was looking down, breathing even harder than the two of them, "Tess, how you holdin' up?" He asked, quite bit of worry could be heard in his voice.

"Just a bit winded." She spoke with a hard voice and without saying anything else she followed Makayla out before Joel did the same.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now