𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 80.

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Makayla was already annoyed at the mention of Tina's name.

What could she even want?

"Also, the food's ready. You should also eat something. Your body needs it." Sierra referred to Makayla being out of it the past 4 days and Makayla nodded slightly.

"Come baby. Let's go eat something." Makayla took Sofia by her hand to walk downstairs.

She then sat her behind the table, letting Sierra serve the food, before going to the door.

Tina wasn't standing on their porch but in front of it.

"A word?" Tina asked, making Makayla snort.

"This isn't the best time to make me angry." She was to close the door again but Tina demanded, taking a step forward,

"I'll be quick I just- really need to get this off my chest."

Makayla sighed, thinking about it but eventually she gave in.

She checked the area, it was clear for now, everyone was having dinner at this hour.

Thank God..

Makayla stepped outside, shutting the door behind her and walking past Tina, waiting for her to start talking without looking into her eyes.

"Talk then." Makayla sighed, dragging her palm across her face. She was in no mood for this.

"Tommy told be about what happened in Seattl-"

"Of course he did." Makayla threw her hands around, walking in a small circle, already frustrated.

Tommy trusted Tina. Maria trusted her too. They've always said she's a good woman. And helps out around Jackson a lot, which was true but-

"I take everything back." Tina said firmly, making Makayla stop and furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

She waited for Tina to go on.

She cleared her throat before doing so,

"Everything I said about your relationship with Joel.. He's a fair and respected man. And you're exactly what he deserves. You have a beautiful daughter. Family. That I know was worth it putting your life last for."

Makayla stood, just staring at her, speechless. She was expecting anything but not this.

"I'm sorry Makayla. For anything fucked up I've said before. You didn't deserve that. I was a bitch." She added and then suddenly Tina extended her right hand towards her.

Makayla looked into her eyes again before extending her arm too although she was a bit hesitant about Tina and her sudden change of opinion

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Makayla looked into her eyes again before extending her arm too although she was a bit hesitant about Tina and her sudden change of opinion.

They shaked hands, but Makayla's shield stayed on, even though she felt better after Tina's words.

Tina nodded her head, sealing everything she said and simply walked off. There was no point in trying to get on Makayla good side.

But what she wanted to say- has been said.

Makayla was watching her dissapear when she heard the door of Tommy's and Maria's house fly open.

Sofia and JJ ran out, their voices echoing down the street as they chased each other.

"Hey did you finish your food?" Makayla raised an eyebrow at Sofia and Sofia shook her head, grinning.

"Go finish it. We're going home."

As soon as Sofia heard the word home, she ran back inside to finish the plate.

And after that Makayla took her back to their house.

They got ready for bed, and even if Sofia had her own room, without Joel the bed would feel too empty now.

They both laid down, Sofia falling asleep in just a few minutes. But that wasn't Makayla's case.

She stayed up thinking about Joel. Replaying everything that happened that night.

Over and over again.

Everytime she thought about the bat making contact with Joel's skull she flinched. She couldn't take it anymore..

Kicking the blanket off of her as she looked at Sofia, sleeping peacefully.

Makayla slowly got out of bed, putting on some clothes before she made her way down. She ran her hand across her forehead, wiping the sweat off.

She felt sick. Every single memory made her want to kill Abby again.

She left the house like a ghost to wander the streets of Jackson until she ended up in front of the small wooden house where they kept the sick and injured.

Where Joel was.

She knew the door would be locked so she had to find a different way in.

She walked around the house, noticing a half opened window.

She pushed the window up, opening it completely before jumping in.

It was dark as hell inside and the medics were sleeping in a room with closed door so she walked around until she finally found him.

The door of Joel's hospital room were half open.

Before she even approached them she could feel her legs turn into jelly and her heartbeat quicken.

She was nervous.

Nervous to see him in such state.

When she finally saw him, laying on his back with his eyes closed, she released the breath she's been holding this whole time.

The warm light from the street was lingering on his face as she stood on one side.

Her hands immediately searched for his.

Warm as always

"Something always has to go to shit doesn't it?" She snorted quietly, tears already filling up her sad brown eyes.

"Just- fucking come back to us already.."

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now