𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 36.

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Some of the infected were coming from the hallway, some of them from the windows or the roof.

They were everywhere.

Both Makayla and David were shooting all around like crazy and more of the infected was still coming.

They got most of them.

"What the fuck is that..." David panted when he heard a loud echoing groan and Makayla froze,

"It's a bloater." She looked at David with wide eyes.

"A what?!"

"That!" Makayla screamed as a bloater  fell through the roof and landed on the ground hard.

She threw molotov after molotov at him but it soon started running at her as she ran backwards. One infected jumped on her as she fought him on the ground, ending up shooting him in the head.

"Watch out!" David shouted, shooting the bloater not so far away from Makayla as she quickly stood up and threw another molotov at him.

He lit up on fire, screaming and growling.

"More infected!" She notified shooting another group of infected that came from the hallway and David joined her.

Soon everything calmed down.

"Hey! Girl!" David shouted.


"I think we did it." He said, looking out the window and Makayla came to stand next to him. No more screeching coming from the outside.

"Hear the silence." David smiled at her as they scanned the area from above.

"Let's head on back to check on that buck of ours." David said and they both started making their way back.


They got inside the cottage where they were before.

"You held yourself pretty nice in there." David declared.

"What can I say..." Makayla rolled her eyes. It angered her that he was so surprised she could handle her own.

"I'd say we make a pretty good team." David said and started making a fire as they crouched down, Makayla just frowned at his statement.

"We got lucky." She shrugged.

"Lucky? There's no such thing as luck. No, you see I believe everything happens for a reason. I do and I can prove it to you."

Makayla was warming her hands over the fire and kept listening as he opened his mouth again,

"Now, this winter has been especially cruel. A few weeks back I uh, sent a group of men out- nearby town to look for food. Only a few came back. They said that the others had been slaughtered by a crazy man. A crazy man traveling with a young girl." As the last sentence left his mouth he pointed at Makayla with a little knife he was holding.

She quickly caught up as David's eyes pierced through her,

"You see? Everything happens for a reason." David spoke and Makayla stood up, defensively grabbing the gun and pointing it at him.

"James lower the gun." David said and just now Makayla noticed the other guy standing in the door frame pointing a gun at her.

"No way David I'm not gonna let her go!"

"Lower. The gun." David said and James hesitated but did as he said. David was definitely the leader of them.

"Now give her the medicine."

"The others won't be happy about this." James took out a small pouch of medicine, throwing it down at Makayla's feet.

Makayla quickly grabbed it, still aiming at them with the rifle.

"Get the hell out of my way!" She growled at James and he moved to the side as Makayla started walking backwards to get out.

"You won't survive for long out there. I can protect you." David whispered but Makayla just shook her head,

" David whispered but Makayla just shook her head,

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"Yeah no." And quickly dissapeared from their sight.


After she found the horse she made her way back to Joel. It was a small house in a small empty village.

She got inside through the garage, pulling the horse inside and closing the garage door behind her.

Then she hurried into the room where Joel was resting.

He was on the ground, laying on a matress with a heavy blanket over him but still he was shivering.

He was sick and it was worrying her to death.

"God.." she mumbled as she fell to her knees right next to him, pulling the blanket lower to his abdomen and then she pulled his shirt up a little, revealing the sewed up wound as she gently dragged her fingers around it.

"Joel.." she looked at him but he didn't answer, only winced a little as a cloud of warm breath left his mouth.

"I only managed to get a little bit of food but.. I did get this." She grabbed the pouch and took out an injection with antibiotics in it.

"Hold on." She warned him and injected him with the antibiotics near the wound as Joel groaned from the discomfort with his eyes still closed.

She placed her palm on his forehead, checking his temperature.

"You're gonna make it." Her eyes lowered as she said. She only had him and she couldn't loose him.

Her eyes became watery as she looked up, trying to make them dissapear. She stood up and walked around Joel to lay down on the matress with him, pulling the blanket over both of them so she could help keeping him warm. She grabbed onto his arm, placing her head on his shoulder and it took her only a few minutes to fall asleep.


The next morning a bunch of men voices woke Makayla up. Her eyes hot open as it took her only seconds to realize what was happening.

She jumped to her feet and looked out the covered window, seeing a group of men walking around the village with guns in their hands.

"Oh fuck. They tracked me."

Panic was visible in her eyes as she looked back at sleeping Joel.

"I'm gonna draw them away from here. I'm sorry." She said to Joel although he did not hear her but that wasn't important right now.

She grabbed her backpack and went to get the horse.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now