𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 62.

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He had a tight grip on her as he was dragging her away from the basement and Makayla was just now realizing how much bigger and more complicated the building was than it looked from the outside.

"Give me your hands." He ordered and Makayla extended her hands, balled in fists as he tied a rope around them.

Before he stepped away from her he slapped her hard.

Makayla's head flew to the side as she released a huff of annoyance.

A bruise appeared on her cheek right away.

"Now you can go." He rasped, opened some door and pushed her inside, making her fall forward.

She could hear the door behind her shut as she managed to stand up even without the support of her hands.

"I was hoping we'd see each other again one day."

Goosebumps ran up and down her spine when she heard David's sneaky voice.

"Really? A rope?" She nodded towards her tied hands and started walking forward. There was a low table with a chair.

David must've been sitting across her but it was too dark to see. She could only hear him.

"Why don't you sit down? It'd be my pleasure." He said and Makayla was hesitant for a second but she sat down.

She broke eyecontact and looked around. There was also a bed in the room but other than that it was empty.

"You must be so hungry. Eat." He grabbed a plate of food from behind him and placed it in front of her. He also extended his arms so he could untie her hands.

"I promise it's not human meat. It's a deer. You like deers." He assured her with a calm voice and Makayla gulped hard.

She hasn't eaten for almost a week.

"C'mon." He said and she gave him her hands as he untied them, throwing the rope on the ground.

Better play along..

She slowly started to eat. It did taste like a deer. That was a good sign.

David was watching her the whole time in silence and when she was done he grabbed the plate and placed it down on the ground.

"You're curious about me?" He asked and then added, "You want to see, what you did to my face?"

She remained silent.

"So look!!" He suddenly screamed and leaned forward. The light hitting his scarred and ruined face. He was also missing an eye. Probably couldn't be saved.

Makayla's breath got caught in her throat.

He deserved every single scar.

"Look what you did to me!" He hissed and Makayla looked directly at him before responding with confidence,

"I came back, didn't I?"

A small but creepy smile appeared on his scarred lips.

She knew she could get to him. He was too blinded by lust want and need. He wanted to claim her, he wanted her all to himself.

"Tell me your name." He said and Makayla breathed out,


"Makayla. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful young woman." He stood up and that was when Makayla's heart started beating faster.

He pulled her chair, turning her so she was looking up at him.

His hand gripped her chin as he caressed it with his thumb.

"Where's that smuggler of yours?"

"He left me. That's why I came to you. I want to stay here with you. Please.." She lied, trying to look as desperate as she could.

"Aah." He said, dragging his hand from her chin down to her neck and cleavage.

He closed his eyes at the feeling of her skin. Then his hand moved back up to her lips. His thumb caressed her bottom lip before he pushed his thumb in between her lips and into her mouth.

Pushing it as far as he could and he smirked when he noticed she wasn't choking.

"He trained you good." He snorted.

Her eyes stayed on his although she wanted to close them so bad.

She felt disgusted and dirty.

"It's not fair I'm too busy for you today." He pulled out his thumb, wet from her saliva before he called out,

"Take her back to the basement and bring her to me first thing in the morning." The guard entered the room and David looked back down at Makayla before adding, "You and I will have so much fun together."

The man suddenly grabbed her and dragged her out.

They were walking down a different hallway when Makayla noticed her backpack and weapons on one of the shelfs.

She was quickly thinking of a plan but before she could come up with anything the man pushed her against the wall hard, almost knocking the breath out of her lungs.

Makayla started fighting back as he tried to rip her clothes off.

"C'mon you whore!!" He screamed into her face, punching her hard, making her lip bleed.

He grabbed onto her pants but Makayla punched him in his throat, making him stumble back and release a choking sound.

He grabbed onto his neck, falling to his knees and Makayla took the opportunity to kick him in his face with her knee, breaking his nose.

She took out the knife that was in the side of his pants and slit his throat, letting him fall to the ground and bleed out.

She was breathing hard, his blood all over her face before she ran to get her stuff.

It was now or never.

It was now or never

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KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now