𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 57.

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1 day later, Cleveland

"How many times are you going to replay that thing?" Jesse called out.

Makayla was walking behind him, her eyes focused on her feet while the transmitter kept on replaying the message from one of David's men.

"Okay let's change the subject," Jesse grabbed the transmitter from her and continued, "When was the first time you killed someone?" He glanced back at her,

Makayla smiled a little at the enthusiasm with the question but her smile fell when she really thought about the answer, "I was 13. I shot my father after he beat my mother to death."

"Woah. That's- bad. I'm sorry 'bout that." Jesse's nose scrunched in discomfort but Makayla just shrugged. It didn't seem so bad anymore. She had to learn how to forget about it. Somehow.

"What about you?"

"I was I think- 11. Me and my family were switching places and a bunch of infected attacked us. I had a gun with me just in case so I didn't hesitate to use it when I realized we were outnumbered."

"That's a better story." Makayla joked and stopped in her tracks to take a proper look at all the buildings and near streets.

"What about that theatre? I'm sure we could gather some supplies there." Jesse suggested, pointing to a large building that seemed almost hideous now after all those years.

They came closer, trying to open the door,

"Something's blocking it." Makayla muttered and they walked to the other side of the building.

She looked at him, "Give me a boost."

Jesse looked at the ladder above them and understood so he positioned himself under it and gave Makayla a boost up. She grabbed onto it and pulled it down so that they could climb it.

"C'mon!" She groaned as she pushed the window open, using as much strength as she needed to since at first it was stuck.

Jesse got inside too and shut it behind them.

They appeared on a side balcony of the theatre. They could see the whole lower floor. It was clear.

"Look. Someone had to drop them on their way out." He smirked and picked up a few cans of food.

It was rare to find it. The only option during all these days was a deer meat.

"Cool." She smiled and took the other can.

Traveling with Jesse was fine. He wasn't asking too many questions- just doing what he was told.

But it was completely different than traveling with Joel. With Joel it was like a careless trip that had time passing by too fast. Because they could fight for their lives but by his side she felt like she would live forever.

Now she feels the exact opposite.

It's been almost a week and she feels like they've been gone for years.

Jesse noticed her zoning out while she was trying to eat the whole thing, standing on her feet so they could continue in their way as soon as they finish it.

"Everytime you do that I know he's on your mind." He said, his words making Makayla choke on the bit of food she just tried to swallow, "What?"


She sighed. He was right. Everyday she was wondering how he's been. Is he sad? Angry? Or is there Tina to help him forget?

"You know- everytime you'd pass a group of men in Jackson and they obviously were checking you out- . Joel would make sure to give them a peace of mind right after. Always so protective of you. Joel deserves you and you deserve him."

Makayla gave him a small smile but her eyes remained sad, "Thanks Jesse."

He smiled back and then he stood up, being quite taller than her as he took out the map, holding in his hands spread, "Let's gather some more supplies so we can go

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He smiled back and then he stood up, being quite taller than her as he took out the map, holding in his hands spread, "Let's gather some more supplies so we can go."

They jumped down to take a look around.

Makayka noticed a skeleton of a dead person in a corner as she tried not to look at it for too long. Everytime she'd see a skeleton she felt like it was looking into her soul. And it was creating goosebumps all over her body.


They found some explosives, arrows and  alcohol. It was enough for now.

They got to the main door seeing a bunch of stuff in front of it so they started to clear the way.

Once they threw the last item to the side, Jesse managed to push the door open.

"Fuck, It's freezing out here." He said and looked back at Makayla who was right behind him she looked at him and she froze in place when she saw an arrow fly through Jesse's throat.

"Jesse!" She screamed and quickly pulled him back inside out of reflex.

It all happened so fast.

She shut the door and immediately fell next to him, "Fuck,fuck,fuck no."

She pressed on the wound trying not to hurt him.

"You'll be fine you're fine you're fine...." She spoke so fast her words made no sense.

Her hands shook terribly and it was making her even more anxious.

Jesse wasn't moving, only his empty eyes were looking up at her.

"Go.." he barely got the words out.

"I'm not leaving you." She tore her shirt, pressing onto his wound, desperately trying to stop the bleading.

"G-go.." he repeated, his hand covering her's.

Tears were now falling down her cheeks and the men outside were already trying to break the door down.

"I'm so fucking sorry. Jesse I'm sorry!" She cried out, holding onto him tight as the life inside him slowly vanished.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now