𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 79.

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When she woke up, Tommy was sitting by the bed in an old armchair.

She turned her head to the side to look at him. She felt like she got hit by a damn truck.

"Hey.." He said in a low voice.

"What happened?" She had a shaky voice,

"You lost consciousness again. The medics brought you here."

"Where's Sofia and Joel?" She asked, desperation visible in her eyes.

"Sofia's alright. 'S been cryin' at times but we've told her you an Joel are on a long patrol and that you'll be home soon." He reassured her but the concern in her face hasn't changed so he continued, "Joel's stable. He's in a light coma but he'll wake up. The medics said we could see him in a few days, until then, we should let him rest and let them do their job."

She rolled her eyes at the last sentence. There was no way in hell she was going to listen.

Makayla's forehead creased as she looked up at the ceiling again, gulping hard, "How long have I been out of it for?"

"It's been about 4 days. One of your ribs was broken and you had a pretty bad concussion."

She sighed.

And after a few moments of silence, she lifted her upper body up, to sit up on the bed,

"Whoa whoa whoa, you shouldn't be standin' up so fast." He tried to stand up too but fell back into his seat with a loud grunt, he had to have a support for his leg, it was hurting as hell still and there was a possibility his leg would never work the same again.

"Shit." He winced, sighing.

"I'm good Tommy don't worry about it." She hopped down from the bed, holding onto her still painful rib.

She started walking when Tommy's voice stopped her, "Makayla.."

She looked at him.

"Thank you. For savin' my brother when I couldn't." He said, his glossy eyes full of emotions.

" He said, his glossy eyes full of emotions

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"What else do you think I would do." Makayla answered, not in a rude way. But Tommy knew if she had to she would give up her life for Joel. Just like she wanted to give it up for the world. Joel and Sofia was her world now.

She was to walk out, when she stopped in front of a mirror.

The cuts and bruises started to heal after those 4 days but it was still pretty visible.

She left the building, walking to her's and Joel's house through a path no one could see her at.

She made her way inside, the scent of home filling her nostrils as she slowly made her way to the bathroom to wash up and get ready to see Sofia. She didn't want Sofia to see her looking as if she just came back from the dead.

Although that's exactly how she felt at the moment.

When she was done she left the house, making her way back to the main yard where Maria's and Tommy's house stood, dodging anyone who wanted to talk to her or ask any questions on the way. She just wanted to see her daughter that was it.

She knocked on Maria's door and Sierra was the one to open them.

She was looking at Makayla silently for a moment before actually speaking up, "I would hug you but I don't wanna hurt you."

"It's fine." Makayla pulled on a visibly  fake smile and walked past her to get inside..

"Where is she?" She looked at Sierra.

"She's hiding in the guest room. She's been crying for the past hour, saying that she misses her mom and dad."

Sierra's words broke Makayla's heart so she didn't wait to walk up the stairs altough it hurt her body like a bitch.

She pushed the slightly open door of the guest room, looking around.

She couldn't see her but when she heard those little sobs she felt her heart tighten.

"Sofia.." The sobbing stopped but she still didn't come out. She was hiding in the half open wardrobe door.

Makayla pushed it open and crouched down, biting her lip to make the pain her body was in go away.

"C'mon Sofia look at me." Makayla spoke again, and finally Sofia slowly looked up at her.

Her eyes were puffy and tired

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Her eyes were puffy and tired. She was looking at Makayla blankly before jumping into her arms.

Makayla once again had to gulp the pain away as Sofia was hugging her tightly.

"Where's daddy?" Sofia asked when she pulled away, expecting her other parents to come say hi too.

Makayla's face fell but she swiftly reminded herself to stay put,

"Daddy will be back soon. We will be waiting for him together whatdya say?" Makayla whispered, brushing the brown strand of hair out of her daughter's face.

After processing Makayla's words, Sofia sadly nodded before wrapping her arms around Makayla's neck again.

"Makayla." Sierra came into the room,

"Tina's here. Says she wants to talk to you."

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now