𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 75.

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Her head was hanging low when she felt a wakening slap land on her cheek. The ringing in her ears wasn't too pleasant as she grunted when she slowly looked up.

The back of her head was hurting like shit as her blurry eyes searched for Dina.

"You're the Makayla girl aren't you?" A man's voice sounded near her.

She squinted her eyes to try and see better, just then she realised her hands were tied to a table behind her back and she was sitting on the ground.

"Who the fuck are you people?" Her voice was raspy and her throat felt dry. She tried wiggling her hands free..

The man in front of her seemed young, maybe in his late 20s.

"You won't be able to save him. You should have never come here." He grinned as he was crouching in front of her, playing with a knife that was in his left hand.

"Jordan! You're supposed to be looking for the other one." An older man entered the room and the younger one named Jordan stood up.


"This girl's with the smuggler." Jordan pointed at her and the older man's eyes buried into Makayla.

She glared at him. Where the fuck was Joel, and where is the rest of their group..

He stabbed the arm of a chair that was near the table with the knife, letting it stuck there as he walked to the man.

Not a very smart move.

Makayla was still glaring up at the two of them.

"Abby's gonna have fun with them." Jordan pointed out mid conversation.


Makayla squinted her eyes, trying to think who Abby was. She knew no Abby. What was going on...

"Let her know who we got." Jordan ordered and the other man took out a transmitter...

"Fuck. No signal." He cursed, putting the transmitter back in his pocket, "I'll go up there. You stay here with her."

He walked back to the door and Makayla froze when she saw Dina in the hallway through the glass. She was right behind the door and when he opened them she took the chance to grab him and strangle him.

That caught Jordan's attention.

"Hey!" He screamed and ran out but by the time he got a hold of her she had already snapped the man's neck.

Jordan put his hands around her neck, "Want a taste of your own medicine you bitch?!" He spat, tightening his grip.

That was when Makayla started to panic. She could hear Dina struggling to get air, her eyes probably already rolling to the back of her head.

"You shouldn't have come here." Jordan screamed and Makayla's scream followed, "Dina!"

She started wiggling in the place, trying to break free when she saw pieces of some broken glass not too far away from her.

She straightened her leg, stomping on the sharpest piece of glass with her hill as she tried to slide it to her as fast as she could.

It was right under her hands now as she managed to blindly pick the glass up to cut the rope around her wrists.

Got it.

She got up at the speed of a light, grabbing the knife stuck in the arm of the chair and ran up to him from behind.

She got up at the speed of a light, grabbing the knife stuck in the arm of the chair and ran up to him from behind

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Cutting the sharp knife through his neck, as deep as it went.

His blood splashed out and onto her face but she didn't care. And she didn't let go of him until he stopped moving.

"You okay?" Makayla helped Dina stand up since she fell to the floor due to the lack of oxygen.

She was coughing heavily.

"Y-Yeah." She sighed, trying to catch a breath, "We need to- go." She could barely speak properly but she stood up, ready to go and get this over with.

Makayla nodded with a worried expression on her face and they started running up the stairs, trying to get to the floor where they kept Joel and Tommy.

It took about three floors when they finally heard voices.

"Shh." Dina pressed her finger to her lips, making Makayla stay quiet so they could hear better.

But what she heard, made goosebumps appear all over her body.

She could hear muffled grunts and moans full of pain.

Her eyes went wide.

It sounded too much like Joel and her blood was boiling at the fact that his voice was getting quieter each time.

In that exact moment- her mind went blank. And all she could see was red.

She started sprinting towards the sound, not caring about the fact that if any member of their group would stand behind any corner she could get killed.

Joel was suffering, maybe dying and she had to get to him.

Dina stormed after her but she was no match to Makayla's speed.

They could fully see now that the lights were on but Dina could orientate herself only thanks to Makayla's stomps.

Makayla stopped abruptly at the top of another pair of stairs, leading down to single door.

Her chest was rising and falling, she could hear Joel clearly now, and also multiple other unknown voices.

With tears in her eyes she sprinted down, barging into the door, making them fly open.

Her heavy breath got stuck in her lungs when she witnessed Joel's body laying on the ground, completely bloody.

It was like her vision got blocked

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It was like her vision got blocked. All she could focus on was him.

She let out a scream of cry when not just one pair of hands grabbed onto her to stop her from moving any further.

Chapter 76 will be out soon!

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now