𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 46.

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They were sitting inside of an old building at the beginning of Jackson with all the people incorporated in the patrols. First thing Tommy has announced  was about Joel becoming the leading patrolman.

That one wasn't too much of a surprise. Joel is a great leader and a very smart and strong survivor. Also, people respect him. More than anyone.

There was a long table and they were all sitting behind it. Makayla was next to Joel who was next to Tommy and on Makayla's right side was Dina and Jesse.

"Makayla, you're free to join if you feel like it." Tommy spoke to her.

Makayla nodded firmly, not giving it a second thought, "I'm in."

And soon she could feel Joel's large hand on her thigh under the table so no one would see.

She felt her insides calm down as she relaxed under his touch and when she looked at him he seemed to be into the conversation. His usual poker face and eyes narrowed, elbow on the arm of the chair while his hand was supporting his stubbly chin.

Makayla looked down at her thigh, hypnotizing his hand for a second before she felt a pair of eyes on her.

She looked up only to see Tina already glaring at her so Makayla just dodged her eye contact and decided to continue listening to Tommy,

"We regularly search various lodges, mansions, hotels and outposts to clean out the infected so there aren't as many horde attacks. We also gotta be aware of bandits. Lots of those motherfuckers out there." Tommy cursed under his breath and continued, "Alright so, any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, having none. Everything was clear. Tommorow's morning patrol was Tommy and Joel.

A few minutes later.

Joel locked the door behind them. Makayla was walking first, taking off her jacket before she saw Joel do the same.

"You don't mind me taking patrols do you?" She asked out of curiosity, her question catching Joel's attention.

"'Course not. If you feel like doin' them, I trust you." He shrugged with that husky voice of his making Makayla satisfied with his answer.

"So, how's my "aunt" doing?" Makayla nagged, looking at the ground for a split second before she looked back at Joel. But his face seemed more surpised then she'd think he would be.

"I didn't mean it bad. We should just- lay low for now." He justified but Makayla just shrugged. She already understood and didn't need a further explanation.

Plus they weren't really together and who knows how people would take it. So she couldn't blame him.

She went to sit down on the armchair,
"But no seriously. Did Marlene go back to Texas?"

Joel cleared his throat, walking towards the kitchen to make himself some coffe,

"I've no idea, she didn't tell me."

His voice was cold and distant but Makayla just nodded to herself. Marlene was probably more than happy to get her off her shoulders.

"Coffe?" He asked.

"No thanks." Makayla sighed, waiting for him to come back and after a minute or two he came back with a coffe in his hand. He placed it on the table and sat down on the couch, already making Makayla eager to sit by him but then she got lost in her thoughts again.

It's happening almost all the time. One minute she's here and the next she's not.

It's like her mind has already accepted the faith of her being gone.

She was constantly thinking about what if. What if they made the cure? Everyone would be safe. The infected would be cleared out after some time and they could rebuild this world.

"Kayla. You listenin'?" Joel interrupted her thoughts. He seemed a bit worried as he sipped on the coffe, slowly eyeing her out.

Makayla just stayed quiet, looking at him for a moment before she stood up and walked over to him.

He almost immediately put the coffe down, looking up at her with his eyes full of worry.

She gathered the confidence to make a move and she straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck before her head made contact with his chest.

He was suprised, but soon he wrapped his hands around her waist, holding her close while his eyes wandered around the room.

Makayla closed her eyes at the feeling of comfort and protection.

She almost sinked into him as he leaned back into the couch and they just stayed like that until both of them fell asleep. 

After a few hours Joel's eyes opened. He looked down, seeing Makayla still on top of him in the same position. The only thing changed was that his hands weren't wrapped around her waist anymore but instead they were dropped on her thighs.

He grunted, sitting up a little before her grabbed her thighs fully and stood up with her, carrying her upstairs with ease.

He placed her into the bed and he got in too, wrapping the blanket around her body and after a few minutes he fell back asleep.

But he'd lie if he said quilt of lying to her about something that clearly mattered to her so much wasn't eating him alive.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now