The Revealing

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That night, Tommy lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. A slight shiver passed over him, and Tommy frowned. Why would he be cold? It was a warm summer night.

Tommy heard the familiar clicking of Mrs. O'Haire's heels in the hall. He quickly pulled his blanket over himself, just as the door to his dormitories creaked open. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. 

After a moment the door slammed shut and Mrs. O'Haire moved on through the orphanage. 

Another strange shivered passed over Tommy and an uncomfortable feeling of dread settled in his bones. A spasm racked his spine and Tommy had to fight from crying out. 

He was surrounded by seven other kids, sleeping peacefully after their Revealing. 

What was going on? 

Tommy felt a stinging between his shoulder blades, like a thousand hot needles stabbing into his skin. Tommy tasted the coppery tang of blood in his mouth. He had bitten his tongue. 

He sat bolt upright as another sting hit him. He gasped softly. 

"Wha...?" A voice said in the darkness. Oh no, he had woken one of the other kids. 

Tommy slowly moved into the shadow of his corner, the moonlight from the window above him masking him. The girl who had spoken fell back into bed.

Silently, Tommy stood and opened the window. He remembered the times when he and Wilbur would sneak out to roam the streets of the town, pretending they were free and independent. 

Another spasm hit Tommy as he sat on the window sill and he nearly lost his grip.

What was wrong with him?

Tommy lowered himself until he was hanging only by his hands. His window was on the third storey so he would have to time it perfectly, to grab the window sill below his. 

At that moment, a terrible spasm hit him and Tommy cried out in agony, letting go of the window sill. He tumbled through the air and his ankle slammed into the window sill below his, a resounding crack echoing through the night. 

Tommy screamed as his body hit the ground below. Through tear filled eyes he saw the lights from the houses down the streets flick on. He rolled onto his back and winced as he crushed his arms beneath him. 

He had to move. What ever was going on with him wasn't something he wanted other people to know about. 

Tommy forced himself upright, pulling his body from the ground and crying out as he stepped on his ankle. He glanced down and saw a bloody mess. A piece of white jutted out from the side. 

Tommy felt vomit rise up in his throat at the sight of it. 

"Help..." He called softly as he collapsed back onto the ground. 

The sound of approaching feet echoed of Tommy's mind. He was losing consciousness. 

The last thing he remembered was a beast standing over him, it's horns curled backward, and eyes staring at him as it reached down. 

"Hold on, Tommy, I got you!" It said. 

Tommy faded away. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now