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"Tommy, this is George." Dream said and the dark-haired boy stuck out his hand. He was skinny and gaunt, paler than Tommy would deem healthy but smiled easily. 

"Nice to meet you, Tommy, glad you could join us." George said, his brown eyes sparkling. 

Tommy nodded and looked around. 

"So you made this place?" 

"Me and Dream did, for the hybrids to have a place to retreat to. Like a dream." George smirked at Dream. 

"George!" A feminine voice called out. 

Tommy saw a brown-haired girl running towards them. 

"Lizzie, you alright?" George asked, laying a hand on the girl's heaving shoulder. 

"Yeah... I'm just out of shape..." She said and flashed the two a grin, then saw Tommy. 

Her eyes were pitch black except for two glowing golden irises. 

"New guy?" 

"Yeah, this is Tommy, Tommy, Lizzie." Dream said and they shook. The girl smiled and Tommy did a double take as he saw the lethal set of fangs she had. 

Her claws pricked his skin as they shook. Two long ears stood erect as she turned to George. They swiveled this way and that, taking in every small sound. 

"There was a problem with Skeppy and Bad, Bad seems to be popping out of the dreamscape."

"Wait, Bad? A tall fellow? Black skin and glowing white eyes?" Tommy asked and the three looked at him. 

"Yeah, you know him?" Lizzie asked, lifting an eyebrow. 

"We were apart of the same community before the Guards took us." 

The three fell silent and Tommy felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. 

"Who are you?" Dream asked. "That nightmare you were lost in, it was much darker than normal. And those hands? Who are you?" 

"I don't know if you guys know what this means but I've been called the 'Umbre' a lot lately." 


Lizzie grabbed his hand and a shock went through Tommy. He yanked his hand back as she fell back, Dream catching her. Tommy looked on in shock as she fell limp, her eyes completely black. 

Dream lowered her to the grass and George crouched beside her, holding her hand. 

Tommy stared at them in confusion. 

"Is she okay--?!" 

Lizzie gasped and bolted upright, nodding her head vigorously. 

"He is the Umbre. Thanks goodness, you're finally here." 


Jack muttered colorful curses as he unlocked his apartment, trying to ignore the hulking figure that towered over him, judging his every move. 

"Welcome to my humble abode." He said as he walked in. For the first time, he wished he decorated the space.

Fundy's nose wrinkled as he walked in, the smell of dirty dishes and mildew. 

"You and your sister can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Jack said as Emily walked in, curiously sniffing the place on all fours. She glanced up at Fundy and smiled sheepishly, getting up on two paws. 

Fundy just shook his head slightly and lowered himself onto his front paws. 

"There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Emily's eyes sparkled and she stood on her paws, then leapt at Fundy and tackled him. He let out a soft bark of laughter as he allowed her to climb atop him. 

She sat atop his chest, her brush wrapped around her legs and tickling his nose. Fundy sneezed and Emily giggled. 

Jack found himself staring at the two hybrids. Were they really what the Boss painted them to be? Were they merciless monsters taken by the urge to kill? 

The happy pair proved otherwise. 

Fundy however hadn't hesitated to threaten him with death though... but it was in self-defence.

"I'll be in my office if you two need me." He muttered and turned, walking into his room and to the office. Yeah right, it was more of a glorified storage closet than anything, but it suited his needs. 

Right, he had to get to work. He had a little plan for the visitors. 

They would come in useful. 

Jack looked into his fridge and cut off another small part of the golden fruit. 

He mashed it into a thin paste and threw a glowing green chemical into it, watching as the mush transformed into a liquid inside the vail. 

He did the same with the cold purple crystal and finished with two vails of substance. 


Jack glanced at his watch and realized a few hours had passed since they arrived.

He walked out of the study, rubbing his tired eyes. 

He walked into his room and found it empty. There were sounds coming from the kitchen. 

Jack felt his heart start to race. If they had trashed the kitchen he swore he would--

He ran in and froze as he saw the sight before him. The small table had a cloth over it and plates stood ready. Emily and Fundy stood by the stove, Emily cutting vegetables and Fundy stirring a pot.

They both glanced up as Jack entered. 

"We made some groente spaghetti." 

Fun Fact: I went on google translate to search what the Dutch word for vegetable is and turns out it is the exact same word as in my native language. 

Vegetable = Groente


Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now