The Darkness Within

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Tommy fell silent as the weight of the words hit him. He was almost afraid to ask.

"What happened?" He asked, not moving his eyes from the frail body. 

"We.... we don't know," Wilbur said softly. "He was on a recon mission and he radioed in, saying he had important information." 

Wilbur's voice cracked at the end and Tommy looked at him sadly. He wondered how much this boy must mean to his brother. 

"Come Tommy, let's go." Wilbur said and turned to Hannah. 

"Thank you, Hannah, for your willingness to help." He said taking her hand and kissing it lightly. 

"For family, anything." Hannah said smiling. 

Wilbur walked to the door and Tommy followed waving to Hannah. She nodded in farewell and returned to the boy. Tommy glanced at the boy once before they walked out of the house. 

The boy's pale face burned itself into his memory. 


Tommy walked in silence, shooting glances at his brother. A shadow of worry had fallen of Wilbur's face and a little bit of something else. Was it regret? Shame? 

Wilbur took the lead and Tommy followed as they approached the hole in the ground. The dark entrance loomed up threateningly and Tommy felt his skin crawl in revulsion. 

Which was strange, he had never been afraid of the dark.

"Tommy? You okay?" Wilbur's voice bright him from his thoughts. Unknowingly he had stopped. 

"I... I don't know." Tommy muttered walking briskly to his brother's side. 

"Are you scared of the dark, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, glancing at the hole. 

"No." Tommy said confidently. "Something just feels strange, Wil, I can't explain it." 

Wilbur turned so he stood right before Tommy and bent down so he looked his brother right in the eyes. Tommy felt those dark eyes search him, breaking the wall he kept up and etnteeing deepest thoughts.

Tommy felt exposed.

"Tommy, here in this cavern, with these people, you never have to fear anything. Here, we are family." 

It was the absolute confidence in Wilbur's voice that convinced Tommy he was telling the truth. 

Here, he would never be harmed. Never be taunted.

He would not be afraid.

Tommy nodded and Wilbur looked satisfied. 

"Come, let me introduce you to our Hybrid specialist." Wilbur said, walking towards the entrance.

As Tommy approached the hole, he fought to keep himself strong.

He would not be afraid. 

Yet, right before they entered the dark hole, Tommy grabbed Wilbur's hand.

He heard a soft chuckle from Wilbur as they entered the tunnel together. 

The darkness felt thicker than it had ever before. The sides of the tunnel seemed to be pressing in on Tommy. 

He would not be afraid. 

A cold hand brushed against Tommy's cheek and he fought to keep the scream in him. 

He would not be afraid.

Tommy felt his mind fog. What happened to his vision? Despite his earlier night vision, the darkness seemed eternal, more of a void than a tunnel. Tommy felt himself wander away. 

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