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Tommy dove after Wilbur, one hand outstretched as they spiraled through the air. Tommy grabbed his brother around the waist and pulled his arm around, pressing Wilbur's chest against his own.

Tommy flared his wings and gasped as they took in the dead weight. Tommy pumped his wings desperately, trying to fly to the end of the cavern but to no avail. They sunk to the ground, unable to gain altitude. 

Tommy twisted before they hit so he took the brunt of the fall, Wilbur atop him. 

Wilbur coughed and gasped in pain as Tommy stood, glancing behind them. Luckily, he had brought them far enough from the mound of boulders that they had landed on grass and not sharp stone. 

He saw the Guard begin to scale the mound of debris. he had brought them some time... but time to do what? He couldn't carry Wilbur and the man was loosing blood at an alarming rate. 

Wilbur's face was nearly as white as hit hair.

Tommy grabbed Wilbur's hand and hauled him upright. His brother swayed on his feet, the blood dripping from his feathers, staining them red.

Tommy pulled him behind a boulder and Wilbur collapsed, wincing as he moved. 

"What do we do, Wil?" Tommy asked, looking anxiously above them. At their impending doom. 

"Tear a part of my shirt, Tommy." Wilbur said and held the material taut. Tommy reached out with a claw and sliced the material into a long strip. 

"Okay, tie it around my wing, we need to stop the blood flow." Wilbur said, rubbing his face and holding his wing out to Tommy. It was the large left one, not one of the smaller pairs that Wilbur used for turning. 

Tommy wrapped the material around the wing and Wilbur winced as one of his claws sliced into his flesh. 

"Sheath those will you?" He asked. Tommy stared at him blankly. 

"You don't know?" Wilbur asked, looking at Tommy quizzically. 

"You never told me I could, or how to!" Tommy shot back. 

"Sorry, I thought you knew." Wilbur held up his white hand and flicked his fingers. The lethal claws vanished beneath his skin. Tommy flexed his fingers experimentally and watched with horrified fascination as the claws vanished. 

He wrapped the material around again and pulled it tight.


Tommy complied and Wilbur winced. Tommy tied the knot much easier with his fingers and the claws out of the way. 

"What do we do, Wil?" He asked again. 

His brother sighed deeply and looked at him. 

"No." Tommy said softly. 

"Tommy, you have to leave, you might make it." Wilbur urged, pointing to the other side of the cavern. 

"I'm not going to leave you." Tommy said determindly. 

"Tommy! I'm not giving you a choice!" Wilbur said and shoved him toward the other side. 

Tommy just stood out of reach and watched his brother. 

"If we go out, we go out together." He said softly. "I just found you again, and I'm not going to lose you again." 

"But Tommy--" Wilbur started. 

"--We do this together Wilbur. If we go to hell then we do that together as well." 

Maybe it was the words, or the unfaltering gaze, but Wilbur closed his mouth and nodded. 

"The Umbre and the Lumina." He said and held out a hand. 

"The Umbre and the Lumina." Tommy said back and hauled his brother upright, steadying him. 

The two turned and looked up to the approaching Guard. 

"What does that mean anyway?" Tommy asked. 

"It means Shadow and Light." Wilbur said, already gathering another orb in his palms. 

"How do you do that?" Tommy asked as he watched the light flow from his brother's being and into the orb. 

"Concentrate on the power within you. Locate the source and grab it. Steer it to do your bidding." Wilbur glanced at him and smiled. 

"It's a bit like flying, but you seem to have picked that up quickly." 

Tommy looked within himself and searched. What did Wilbur mean with 'find the source'?

Where was his source?

Tommy tried to find a power, maybe a an anchor or an idea. Maybe it was a dream, a feeling. 

A feeling. 

Tommy felt a cold hand grab his ankle and another latch onto his wing. Not now!

The Guards were barely twenty meters away and had their guns leveled threateningly. 


Wilbur glanced at his brother. 

"You can do it." 

Tommy found it. His fears. 

His source of power came from the fear within him. Those hands grabbed onto him, his head, hair, spines, arms. 

Tommy pulled the fear from him and glanced down. A roiling black cloud swirled between his fingers. Green lighting flashed within it, pulsating with raw power. 

"Ready? We do this now." Wilbur said and angled his orb up. 

"Now!" He yelled and thrust his hands to the Guard. Tommy copied the movement and watched as the cloud tunneled for the men. 

He was surprised to find his beam was much thicker than Wilbur's, much stronger. 

The clouds reached out to the men and hit the first one. Unlike the incineration of Wilbur's light beam, the man twitched and screamed. Those invisible hands that  held Tommy let go and took form, appearing the same color as the cloud. 

They flew to the man and latched onto him. 

Tommy watched in horror as more and more hands appeared and piled onto the man until he was just a writhing mess of hands. The man screamed again, a cry of utter agony and fear in it's purest form. 

The hands blew apart and Tommy searched for the man. There was nothing but a bloody splotch on the boulder where he had been standing. 

The Guards all turned to stare at Tommy and he swore he could see their horrified stares. 

The hands had just ripped their comrade apart. 

Tommy glanced at his brother and saw the same horror on his face. His own brother was afraid of him. Tommy felt that dark power within him rise as it found a hole in his leash. It broke free from him, beams of dark power bursting from his hands and reaching ravenously for the Guards.

Tommy tried to pull it back, tried to pull the hands back. But he couldn't. The power laughed at him, tuanted his helplessness. 

He glanced at Wilbur and his desperation must have shone in his eyes, for Wilbur tackled him, cutting the connection. It was too late. 

The hands that reached for the helicopters above and tore them apart. The hands that reached for the drones and pulverized them. 

The hands reached out to the Guards... and shredded them. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now