The Hard Way

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Tommy didn't know what he had been expecting.

Maybe to miraculously pull out of his fall and soar like Phil?

Maybe to flap a few times and go up? 

He didn't expect his wings to slam together as the wind pushed them away. 

"WAAAH!" A scream ripped from his throat as the ground came racing up beneath him. He tried to level out, tried to force his wings to comply. The wind whipped past his ears, deafening and screaming. 

Tommy closed his eyes as the ground reached out to claim him. 

Nothing happened. Tommy opened his eyes and saw the ground growing smaller beneath him. Something curled his waist, squeezing his wings between them. 

It was Phil.

"Don't worry, mate, I got you." Phil said, grinning as he flew back to the balcony. He slowed and released Tommy, then came back and alighted on the railing. 

"How was that?" Philza asked Tommy. Tommy was crouched on the ground, his nails sunk into the stone. Tommy shuddered slightly and looked at Phil. 

"Are you crazy?!" Tommy yelled, getting up shakily. "I'm never doing that again!" 

Phil's smile fell and he looked at Tommy, disappointment on his face. 

"You're brother said the same thing when I first taught him." 

That got Tommy's attention. 

"What did you do? To teach him?" Tommy asked, forcing his legs to stop shaking. 

There was a sad smile on Phil's face and he leapt from the balcony, landing before Tommy. 

Philza laid his hands on Tommy shoulders and stroked the soft black feathers that poked from his shirt. 

"You have to keep your wings open, angled slightly up." 

Philza opened his wings to show Tommy and Tommy did the same. 

"To go forward you need to flap your wings forward and bring them back, in a circular motion." 

Tommy copied Phil again. 

"Tommy, you asked me what I did to teach Wilbur." Philza looked at him sincerely.

"Yeah, what did you do?" Tommy asked, sensing something was about to happen.

Philza's smile turned apologetic.


Before Tommy could react, Philza had slipped his hand lower, grabbing Tommy under the arms so he couldn't run. 

"Wai—!" Tommy's request was cut of as Philza threw him off the balcony. 


Tommy stared at the man in shock, watching as his face grew smaller. He twisted around and saw the ground coming up to grab him once more. 

Tommy felt like he wanted to scream. Wilbur has lunatics for a family. Normal people don't throw others off buildings! 

Normal people don't beat the crap out of you!

And normal people certainly didn't have spikes or tails or wings...

But they weren't normal and neither was he. 

Tommy focused on his approaching doom and Phil's words tumbled into his head, clear as if Phil was right next to him. 

You have to keep your wings open, angled slightly up.

Tommy pulled his wings forward, fighting against the friction and pushed them back. 

The ground still came up at breakneck speed. Tommy could see the individual grass stalks.

Come on. 

The ground was twenty meters away. 


Tommy screamed in defiance and his wings whipped to their full extent. Tommy angled them slightly up and flapped down just as his foot came in contact with the ground. He shot up and forward, gaining momentum.

Suddenly a shadow fell over him. 


"GO TOMMY!" He yelled, a huge smile plastered on his face. "YOU CAN DO IT! MAKE IT TO THE RIDGE!" 

Tommy glanced before him, keeping his hands close to his sides as he angled down again, if he reached or now he would have been able to touch the grass. 

He clapped again and aimed for the edge of the field. He had to only make it to the other side, then he would be fine.

Tommy made a beeline for the edge, keeping himself steady. He was almost there.

"GO!" Philza yelled again and Tommy could feel the energy and power in is wings. They kept him up and going. One more flap. 

It was only now that Tommy realized it was not the edge of the field and place he could land... but a cliff edge.

Only open air waited for him on the other side. 

Then he was over. 

The view took Tommy's breath away. Philza's field had been but a small piece of rock jutting out from the side of they cavern. They were gliding over the huge thing now, the grass more than a hundred meters beneath them. 

Tommy could see everything.

There was the small town and he valley where they had entered the school. There was the tunnel to the outside and the long staircase down. 

There was Hannah house and Fundy's den. There was Jschlatt's house. Tommy was awed by how huge the cavern actually was. It stretched to far up and into the distance. 

Wilbur truly had found sanctuary.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Philza said, ripping Tommy from his thoughts. 

"Yeah." Tommy didn't know whether he wanted to be mad at the man or grateful. 

He settled for nonchalant. 

"Come on, I want to show you something." Philza said and angled upwards. Tommy looked at his wings, the dark feathers gleaming the same emerald as his eyes. 

"Okay then..." He muttered and braved his wings. Then he stroked down and shot up, racing to catch up with Philza. 

He couldn't stop the "WOOOOOOOOH" that broke free. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now