Shadow Travel

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Tommy, George, Dream and Lizzie walked through the field, Tommy pestering them with questions.

"What do you mean with 'You have finally come'?" He asked. 

"When I am able to sense their auras and you ,Tommy, have the strongest aura I have ever felt. What is your ability?" 

"I... I don't know." Tommy said softly. The Guards' screams still rung in his ears. 

Dream simply raised an eyebrow but said nothing. 

"And the Lumina, you two are supposed to be equals and opposites. You are said to free us from captivity." 


Lizzie laughed at Tommy's confused face. 

"We used to have this dude who spoke about you guys endlessly. He said you were his sons but that he didn't know where to find you. After a while, he vanished." 


Dream and George had walked ahead, talking quietly. 

"He... he's probably dead." Lizzie said, her eyes downcast. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tommy said and hesitated, before putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you..." She said softly and then straightened. 

"Do you want to race me to Bad? He's just by that tree." 

Tommy saw the tall oak on the other side of the field and nodded. He fell into a sprint, leaving Lizzie behind. 

A shadow dropped over him and he looked up, nearly tripping as he saw Lizzie gliding on huge bat wings. She dropped down until she was only a few feet above him. 

"You're gonna lose, Shady." She teased and pumped her wings. She shot forward at break-neck speed, a long slim tail sailing behind her. 

Okay then. 

Tommy ran forward, opening his wings. He had to get to the oak tree. 

As he passed Dream and George, preparing to jump his foot stepped in a hole. 

Tommy yelled in surprise as he fell down, his waist and then chest sinking into the hole. 

"Tommy!" Dream yelled and tried to grab for Tommy's hand. He missed as Tommy fell into a deep darkness. 

Tommy glanced anxiously. Where the heck was he?

He seemed too be standing on solid ground and looked up. He could see the faint outlines of George and Dream above him, looking down. He stepped up and found the solid ground shifted with him, supporting his feet. 

"Hello?!" He screamed as he walked up. They didn't seem to hear him. 

He saw the outline of grass above him and reached it, poking and finding it was hard as stone. he could not go through. He was stuck. 

The dark space suddenly became oppressive. 

Where? Where could he get out?!

Tommy ran under the grass, keeping one hand to the strange surface that separated him from the real world. 


He saw what looked like a reflection, the branches of a tree against a stark blue sky. He ran towards it and saw two people. Bad!

"Bad!" He yelled. Bad twisted around and looked about. He had heard Tommy!

Tommy leapt for the reflection as Bad looked down. 

"What the--? Tommy?!" 

Bad grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him through the reflection. Tommy fell heavily to the grass, gasping for air. He was out.

"Oh my gosh! Tommy are you okay?" Lizzie exclaimed as she ran up to him. 

He flashed her a sly grin. 

"I win." 

She glanced behind her and saw his tail resting gently against the oak tree. 

Bad glanced between them, looking aghast. 

"What the muffin was that, Tommy?!" 

Dream and George came rushing up, and looked relieved when they saw Tommy was okay. 

"I don't know, Bad, I was running and then I fell into the dark."

"You didn't fall into the dark, Tommy," Dream said looked at him strangely. "You fell into my shadow. 

Tommy froze and looked at the ground around him. The grass the was peppered with shadows. 

Tommy stood carefully and hopped out of the reach of the shadows, into the sunlight. 

Carefully he reached down and touched one of the shadows. Nothing happened. 


Brad's scream of pain ripped through the air and his image flickered as he collapsed, writhing in agony. 

"Bad?!" The man beside Bad called, horror on his face. 

Bad cried out and vanished. 

"Bad?" Tommy looked around frantically. 

"Damn it, he keeps on being pulled back into a session." Lizzie said and swore colorfully. 

"A session?" Tommy questioned, though he had a feeling he knew exactly what that 'session's was. 

"Zach." Dream said simply. They had all gone quiet as if this had happened before. 

George seemed to read the confusion on his face. 

"The Dream dimension is a place where hybrids come either when they're unconscious or in unbelievable pain. They vanish when they are woken though."

"Arent we going to do something to help him?" Tommy asked, still staring at the spot were Bad vanished. Was it just him or was there still a shadowy outline where Bad had been?

"We can't do anything." Lizzie said softly. 

But they needed to help. Were they really going to leave Bad, just like that? 

Tommy hesitated as he leaned forward.

"Wait, Tommy—" 

Tommy leapt into the shadows and plunged into the dark.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now