Those Who Resonate Within Us Never Fade Away

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Tommy reached out, the world going still around him as he focused on that warm presence within him. Wilbur was with him, Wilbur was alive. 

And then a crushing burden fell away from his shoulders and suddenly he felt free. And he knew what to do. 

He grabbed the Boss's hand and sunk his claws into the flesh, hearing bones crumble beneath his obsidian claws. The Boss let out an inhumane scream that seemed to pierce Tommy's brain and made his vision go fuzzy. 

But then he was free, dropped to the wood... along with five and a half fingers. 

Though the world was still spinning Tommy saw the Boss lurch back and cradle his bleeding hand against his chest. Tommy gulped down life giving air and put his hand under him, pushing up. 

Get up.

The Boss pulled another vial of red liquid from his pocket and jammed it into his arm forcefully. 

Get up. 

The Boss's body went fluid as the veins in his neck bulged and his eyes started to glow with a horrible purple light. 


Tommy pushed his feet beneath him and closed his eyes for a moment as the earth spun again. 

And then he was steady. Unlike the Boss, who had an even wider manic grin on his face. 

His mouth was stretched up and back, almost as if the skin around his jaws had withered away. And the inside of his mouth was a horrible black-purple. 

The Boss's skin had darkened and taken on a hairless quality that looked like sandpaper. 

With an audible crack something broke within him and the Boss lurched forward. Tommy almost believed the horrible experiment would fail and the Boss would just die then and there... but he wasn't so lucky. 

The Boss stood up and damn was he tall now, towering nearly three feet above Tommy. 

"Shit." Tommy muttered and the Boss flexed his powerful fist and watched the stumps of his bleeding fingers convulse and regrow.  He glanced down at himself in crazed wonder. 

"This is the evolution of man, Tommy!" He yelled and then barreled forward. 

Tommy leapt to the side and his the side of the tank with a dull thud. 

He had been fortunate to live up until this point but Tommy knew his luck had run out. 

But he was not going out without a fight. 

"THIS IS MY BEAUTIFUL CREATION TOMMY!" The Boss turned to face the building and spread his malformed arms wide. "THIS IS WAS HUMANITY HAS ACHIEVED!" 

And Tommy attacked. 

He threw himself forward with the speed of a bullet, his claws stretched out before him glinting with blood. 

His slammed into the Boss's broad back, sinking his feet claws deep into his back. He slashed into the small of the Boss's back. 

With a horrendous scream the Boss lurched, his arms coming back and trying to rip Tommy from his back. Tommy held on for dear life, sinking his claws deeper into the Boss's neck. He had to break the spine. 

There. Tommy felt something hard and reached up, ready to strike the Boss down and paralyze him. 

Something grabbed his shirt and pulled him free with the force of tsunami. Blood sprayed as Tommy's claws were ripped free, trailing him through the air as the Boss threw him with a shout of madness. 

For a moment Tommy was weightless, the locks of his golden hair tickling the side of his face. 

With an awful crunch Tommy slammed into the face of the building. 

Pain exploded through his shoulder and he convulsed involuntarily, screaming in pain. He glanced over his shoulder through warm tears and saw one of his wings limp and hanging at a weird angle. 

It was broken. 

Suddenly a hulking figure blocked out the sun. 

"Goodbye little monster." The Boss whispered and Tommy saw his fist come down in an inevitable arc. 

I'm sorry, Tommy thought at the warm spot in his heart. I tried my best...

He closed his eyes and braced for death. Maybe she would be kind and caring, like he had imagined his mother would be. Or maybe it would strike him down with the wrath he deserved. 

Or maybe he would just fade away... yeah... 

And as that fist came down Tommy felt at peace. He held onto that warm spot softly and whispered goodbye. 

Fundy ran ahead of the others, his legs carrying him faster than them all and panic spurring him on. Tommy had called for help. He had felt it in his bones and so had the others.

He was on his way. 

He only hoped he wasn't too late. 

And then he saw them. A giant monster smiling over a familiar collapsed body. 

Sunlight made the golden locks glimmer like stardust and Fundy's rage flared like a beacon. 

The creature raised his fist in slow movement, glee prominent on his face. A predator who knew he had caught his prey. And that killing blow came down. 

And Fundy was there. 

The Blow came down... and Fundy was there, his slim body slamming into the Boss while a fist crushed into his spine with the force of a freight train. 

There was a resounding crack. 

Fundy didn't scream, didn't breath. He felt no pain, no peril. 

Didn't even feel his body hit the concrete as the Boss stumbled away from him in a daze. 

Didn't notice the darkness creeping into his vision. 

Didn't hear the desperate cries of his friends coming through the door. 

He only saw the man in the tank, those white eyes gazing at him, a soft smile on the man's face. 

Wilbur was alive. 

And then Wilbur mouthed words. Fundy couldn't make them out very well. 

But as the darkness fully enveloped him and Fundy fell into a contented peace he had never felt before the words finally took form in his mind. 

'I love you.'

"I love you too... Dad..." He whispered and fell into the dark, a brilliant light piercing it.  

He was warm... he was free... he was... 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now