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At first, everyone just stared at Wilbur, then at Tommy. Tommy wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. 

"Wilbur stop being stupid." Technoblade said in that even voice. The rest of the people froze at the slight tone in Techno's voice. Tommy got the feeling that when this man did show emotion, one should take one should be worried about one's health. 

Wilbur stepped forward, his form liquid grace, his eyes like a predator's assessing his prey. Technoblade's gaze was no different. 

"I'm not stupid, Technoblade." He hissed. "I seem to be the only one who remembers what happened last time I trusted Phil." 

"It was an accident, Wilbur, get over your petty pains. It helps no one." Technoblade said, his voice softer. Like the still before a storm. 

"I'll get over them when I'm dead, Techno, so either get in line or..." Wilbur seemed to hesitate. 

Technoblade raised an eyebrow. 

"Or?" He drawled. 

"Or fight me." Wilbur said coldly. Tommy swore the room's temperature dropped. The tension grew taunt as the two hybrids stared each other down. 

Technoblade looked away. 

"That's what I thought." Wilbur said. "Now everyone get out, be ready to leave in ten minutes." 

They walked out of the room, Technoblade following them. Tommy hesitated and looked at his brother. 

"You too, Tommy, I want to speak with Hannah." 

Tommy nodded and walked after the rest of them, glancing back before he closed the door. 

He didn't miss the way Wilbur's shoulder's slouched tiredly when he thought everyone was gone. 

For the first time in all the years they had been together, Tommy worried about Wilbur. 


Tommy jogged beside Techno and Fundy. The had been going for a few miles and Tommy started to feel it. At first, he had been surprised at how far he could run without getting tired.

It had been amazing, to run and run and run without feeling the fatigue and cramps that had pestered him before. When he was human... 

Finally, the facility came into view and Wilbur descended from the clouds. he had blended in perfectly with they're white surfaces and had scouted out the facility as they ran here. 

"Wait...." Tommy gasped, sinking into a crouch. "Why... was I not... allowed to fly...?" 

"Because, if you haven't noticed, you're black. You would have stood out like a sore thumb and you're not skilled enough to navigate the high winds yet." Technoblade said. The sun was starting to sink below the horizon, painting the sky blood-red. 

Tommy hoped it wasn't a sign for what was to come.

He didn't seem to be winded at all, neither did Fundy or Schlatt. Tubbo seemed to be holding in gasping breaths but he was also fairing way better that Tommy. 

Bad  came to crouch beside him and rubbed his shoulder gently. They had all put on suits and masks. Schlatt and Tubbo wore similar body suits, black armor over the black material. Technoblade had his usual attire, except he had a trident strapped across his back. 

Fundy had left his coat for a black one. Bad still wore his cloak, but red symbols shimmered slightly on the material. 

Tommy had been given a black suit. The shirt ran only to wrist, keeping his claws open. He wore black pants that held light armor over his vitals. The shirt also had armor on it's chest and back.

Tommy wore a special helmet that exposed the bottom half of his face but kept his eyes and nose hidden under the green visor. Special slits had been cut for his spikes. They twitched anxiously. 

Wilbur landed beside them with a powerful backstroke and nodded at them, a smile spreading over his face as he saw his brother. His

"Don't worry, Tommy, you'll get used to it." Wilbur said, winking knowingly. 

"What... we're going to do this again?" Tommy gasped, standing upright. 

Wilbur playfully ignored the question. 

"Okay, so it seems there had been a disruption a few miles down and the number of guards is down by a dozen at the facility. This might be easier than it looks. Are we ready?" 

Everyone nodded. 

Wilbur flicked his tail and the group surged forward as one, all except Tommy who stumbled with them, completely new with the language. 

The group seemed to communicate with body movements, mostly with flicks of ears and twitches. 

Wilbur halted them behind a boulder, three meters from the fence and nodded at Schlatt. 

Schlatt burst from the boulder and ran straight at the fence, lowering his head and exposing those huge horns to the iron. 

A second later, he burst through, bringing a good chunk of the fence with him. 

Wilbur led the rest of them after him and through the hole, careful not to touch the sparking wire. 

Wilbur flicked his tail and they split, Fundy and Tommy falling back with him, while Bad, Techno, Tubbo and Schlatt surged ahead and burst into the building. An alarm started to whine. 

Wilbur opened his wings and grabbed Fundy, lifting into the dark sky. Tommy followed. 

Wilbur flapped upward and over the roof, dropping Fundy on the edge. Fundy leapt down and ran to the small door on the roof. They're way in. 

Tommy landed unbalanced beside Wil and his brother grabbed him, hauling him upright. 

"We're going to have to work on that landing, Tommy." Wilbur laughed. 

A click sounded from the door and Fundy's eyes glowed with satisfaction. 

He had just picked the lock with his claws.

Tommy followed Wilbur into the small staircase and to a blindingly white hallway. The smell cleaning chemicals and sanitizer hit his senses like a hammer and he nearly choked. 

Fundy lifted his slim snout to the earth and breathed in deeply. Tommy didn't know how he could smell anything but Fundy's tail puffed up as he went down on all fours, his nose inches above the floor. 

Fundy nodded at Wilbur and trotted down the hall. They had a scent.

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now