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Jack swallowed nervously as he led the hybrid down the hall. The creature towered two heads above him and cast a deep shadow. 

Where was Jack supposed to take them? Every room in this place was secured and Jack did not want to help this thing. It would rip him apart the first chance it got. 

And yet, Jack had seen the fierce protectiveness on the hybrid's face as it allowed the smaller on it's back. 

Jack glanced down the hall he had come. What was he supposed to do? 

He didn't want to betray these people or the Boss. 

He wanted to stay loyal and Jack thought that maybe if he screamed for help and alerted the Guards he would at least be remembered as a hero while he bled to death on the floor. 


He was not willing to die for this cause.

Jack turned down a hall, sighing with relief to find it empty. He was backtracking. 

Jack stopped before Ranboo's door and gave three short knocks. Ranboo would know there was trouble, but he wouldn't be expecting what Jack brought in. 

"Come in." 

Jack felt the hybird behind him stiffen and a clawed paw circle his throat. 

"No! No! It's okay!" Jack said, choking. 

Before the hybrid could move Jack opened the door and revealed Ranboo, standing before it as if he was about to open it. 

Ranboo took in the situation and slowly reached up, slipping the glasses off. The hybrid behind Jack froze, that gaze pinning him. 

Jack slipped the claws free of his neck and ducked beneath it. 

"Stay here! I'll call the Guards." He said and slipped beneath the frozen hybrid. 

"Stop!" A small voice cried and Jack froze. There was a kid in danger! Had more hybrids escaped. 

Jack turned and saw the small hybrid slide free of the larger one's back and run to Ranboo. She banged her small fists against his legs, her ears back and tail puffed. 

"Leave him alone!" Her voice cracked as she looked at the other hybrid. "Please..." 

She collapsed before Ranboo, her small frame heaving as she cried. 

Jack saw Ranboo's eyes tear up. 

"No..." Jack started before Ranboo reached up and replaced the glasses. 

The larger fox hybrid gasped and stepped back, but didn't break his gaze. 

"Come in." Ranboo said quietly. 

The hybrids looked at each other, one with glasses the other with eyes like the night. 

The taller hybrid's neck hair stood on and he stepped back again but froze and looked down. A small white paw clutched his, pulling him forward and to Ranboo. 

"Okay." The hybrid said and Jack was surprised to find his real voice was much higher. 

"Come on, Jack." Ranboo said, command in his voice. 


Fundy stepped into the room, his sister pulling him forward. He shook his head and tried to clear the strange feeling. It was like the strange hybrid-person had been inside him, had looked at his memories. 

When that gaze had bore into him, Fundy had felt completely paralyzed. He hadn't been able to move. 

And yet, despite those strange eyes, he trusted Emily. 

As they sat down beside the fire, the halfling scurrying around, Fundy studied his sister for the first time. 

She was a fox too. 

An arctic fox to be exact, her fur soft and blindingly white. She had large blue eyes and a small black nose that stuck out from the rest of her.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at 'Ranboo'. 

"I'm disabling the cameras and microphones, hooking them up to my computer and sending fake transmissions." 

Emily stuck out her small paws and warmed them by the fire, sitting on her haunches like Fundy. Sitting was quite an awkward thing to do for them. 

"Why are you helping us?" Fundy asked again and stood, coming to lean over the halfling. 

Ranboo withered a little under his intense gaze. 

"I've never thought it was fair what my dad does to the hybrids." 

"You dad?" Fundy asked, eyebrow raised.

"My dad is the Boss."

Fundy didn't hesitate. He leapt forward and grabbed the kid by the throat.

"No, wait, Floris!" Emily called and scurried over to him, pushing him away from Ranboo. 

"Stop, Emily, we need to go." 

"No, he wants to help!"

Fundy stopped at that and looked down at his sister. 

"How do you know?" 

Emily opened her mouth as if to say something but then closed it, looking confused. 

Fundy nearly laughed at the comical look but managed to contain himself. He didn't take an eye off the scientist that stood awkwardly by the wall. 

"I don't know, I just do. When I touched him, my head told me." She said and pointed at her skull. 

Maybe she had a power. 

Fundy took a deep breath. Did he trust her ability enough. 

"Trust me, Fundy." She said softly, those big blue eyes boring into him. 

Wait how had she known his name? 

"Okay." Fundy let go of the kid's throat and stepped back. 

"I have an idea." The kid said. "To help you guys." 

Fundy glared at the scientist by the wall. 

"What is it?" 

"I know a place where you can stay."

"Where?" Fundy asked, glancing at the kid. 

Ranboo had a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye. He turned his gaze to jack and smiled. 

Upon the Ruins of a Broken World II A Dreamsmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now